Trial Advocacy: Planning, Analysis, and Strategy

Marilyn BergerJohn Mitchell, and Ronald Clark

Trial Advocacy: Planning, Analysis, and Strategy reflects the way criminal and civil pretrial advocacy is successfully practiced in federal and state litigation. The distinguished author team offers both a conceptual and practical foundation for today’s pretrial advocates. Checklists of skills, techniques, standards and ethics appear in each chapter. 79 assignments are designed for student role-play performances. It includes:

  • Chapters covering all pretrial activities from forging an attorney-client relationship to drafting and arguing pretrial motions
  • Comprehensive text for an introduction to law practice skills course
  • Professional responsibility emphasized throughout the text
  • Case files for civil wrongful death and criminal homicide cases
  • Seventy-nine assignments for student role-play skills performances, such as drafting pleadings and taking a deposition.
  • Checklists of skills, techniques, standard and ethics in each chapter
  • Videos and supplementary material
  • Supplementary material including: exemplary documents (such as fee agreements, a spoliation letter) and articles on pretrial topics along with case files and performance assignments
  • Cultural competency for working effectively in cross-cultural situations during pretrial preparation and litigation
  • Strategies for working collaboratively and resolving conflicts
  • Demand letters and mediation briefs
  • Revamped and enhanced pleadings chapter, including examples of cutting-edge complaints and answers
  • Rules changes are incorporated into this 5th Edition, including recently amended Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and Federal Rules of Evidence

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