Current law students can find dozens of current job openings on Symplicity, the official job board of Seattle U Law. Opportunities are also shared via student newsletters from the Center for Professional Development (CPD) during the academic term. Contact CPD with questions.
Law graduates, check Symplicity for job openings for attorneys, fellowships, and other JD-advantage opportunities. Opportunities are also announced through CPD’s “Hot Jobs” newsletter. Email CPD to be added to the Hot Jobs listserv.
*Seattle University law students interested in clerkships should contact Dean Erin Fullner at fullnere@seattleu.edu
Organization | Website | Internship Information |
ABA Rule of Law Initiative | americanbar.org | Internship |
Atlantic Council of the United States | atlanticcouncil.org | Internship |
American Enterprise Institute | aei.org | Internship |
American Society & Council of the Americas | as-coa.org | Internship |
American Non-Governmental Organizations Coalition for the International Criminal Court | coalitionfortheicc.org | Internship |
American Society of International Law | asil.org | Internship |
British American Security Informational Council | basicint.org | Internship |
Business Executives for National Security | bens.org | Internship |
Carter Center | cartercenter.org | Internship |
Center for Justice & International Law | cejil.org | Internship |
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organization | ctbto.org | Internship |
Development Group for Alternative Policies | developmentgap.org | N/A |
Citizens for a Global Solution | globalsolutions.org | Internship |
Global Security Institute | gsinstitute.org | Internship |
Hague Conference on Private International Law | hcch.org | Internship |
Heritage Foundation | heritage.org | Internship |
Hudson Institute | hudson.org | Internship |
Institute for Security Studies | iss.co.za | Internship |
International Chamber of Commerce | iccwbo.org | Internship |
International Center for Transnational Justice | ictj.org | Internship |
International Consortium for Law & Development | iclad-law.org | N/A |
International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea | itlos.org | Internship |
Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy | lcnp.org | N/A |
National Democratic Institute | ndi.org | N/A |
National Endowment for Democracy | ned.org | Internship |
National Institute for Public Policy | nipp.org | N/A |
Open Society Institute & Soros Foundation Network | opensocietyfoundations.org | Internship Brussels Internship |
Peace Action Education Fund | peace-action.org | Internship |
Physicians for Social Responsibility | psr.org | Internship |
Transparency International | transparency.org | Internship |
Washington International Trade Association | wita.org | Internship |
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars | wilsoncenter.org | Internship |
Organization | Website | Internship Information |
Center for International Environmental Law | ciel.org | Internship |
Conservation Law Foundation | clf.org | Internship |
Climate Investment Funds | cif.org | Internship |
Conservation International | conservation.org | Internship |
Earthjustice | earthjustice.org | Internship |
EarthRights International | earthrights.org | Internship |
Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide | elaw.org | Internship |
Environmental Defense Fund | edf.org | Internship |
Friends of the Earth International Program | foei.org | Internship |
International Institute for Environment & Development | iied.org | Internship |
Natural Resources Defense Council | nrdc.org | Internship |
Organization | Website | Internship Information |
ABA Commission on Immigration | americanbar.org | Internships |
ABA Section of International Law & Practice | americanbar.org | Internships |
Advocacy Forum (Nepal) | advocacyforum.org | Internship |
Alliance for Justice | afj.org | Internship |
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee | adc.org | Internship |
American Humanist Association | americanhumanist.org | Internship |
American Refugee Committee International (Alight) | wearealight.org | Internship |
American Society of International Law Student Fellowship | asil.org | Internship |
Amnesty International | amnesty.org | Internship |
Arab American Institute | aaiusa.org | Internship |
Asian Law Caucus | asianlawcaucus.org | Careers |
Association for Women's Rights in Development | awid.org | Internship |
CARE | care.org | Internship |
Carter Center | cartercenter.org | Internship |
Catholic Relief Services | crs.org | Careers |
Center for Constitutional Rights | ccrjustice.org | Jobs and Fellowships |
Center for Economic & Social Rights | cesr.org | Internship |
Center for International Policy | internationalpolicy.org | Internships |
Center for Justice & Accountability | cja.org | Internship |
Center for Justice & International Law | cejil.org | Internship |
Center for Reproductive Rights | reproductiverights.org | Internship |
Child Rights Information Network | crin.org | N/A |
Citizens for Global Solutions | globalsolutions.org | Internship |
Congressional Hunger Center | hungercenter.org | Internship |
European Roma Rights Centre | errc.org | Get Involved |
Fund for Peace | fundforpeace.org | Careers |
Guatemala Human Rights Commission | ghrc-usa.org | Internships |
Global Rights | globalrights.org | N/A |
Global Health Council | globalhealth.org | Job Board |
Grassroots International | grassrootsonline.org | N/A |
Human Rights Advocates | humanrightsadvocates.org | N/A |
Human Rights Campaign | hrc.org | Internships |
Human Rights First | humanrightsfirst.org | Internship |
Human Rights House | humanrightshouse.org | N/A |
Human Rights Watch | hrw.org | Careers |
Indian Law Resource Center | indianlaw.org | Internship |
Institute for Policy Studies | ips-dc.org | Internship |
Institute of World Affairs | iwa.org | N/A |
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights | cidh.oas.org | Internship |
International Commission of Jurists | icj.org | Internships |
International Crisis Group | crisisgroup.org | Jobs |
International Rescue Committee | rescue.org | Careers |
Justica Global | global.org.br | N/A |
Legal Aid of Cambodia | namati.org | Internship |
Legal Momentum | legalmomentum.org | Internships |
Pan American Health Organization | paho.org | Internship |
The Advocates for Human Rights | theadvocatesforhumanrights.org | Internship |
Vital Voices | vitalvoices.org | Internship |
Washington Office on Latin America | wola.org | Internship |
Women's Refugee Commission | womensrefugeecommission.org | Employment |
World Affairs Council | world-affairs.org | Internship FAQs |
Organization | Website | Internship Information |
Asian Development Bank | adb.org | Internship |
African Development Bank | afdb.org | Internship |
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation | apec.org | Internship |
Association of Southeast Asian Nations | asean.org | N/A |
Business & Industry Advisory Committee to the OECD | businessatoecd.org | Internship |
Commission for the Environmental Cooperation | cec.org | N/A |
Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization | ctbto.org | Internship |
European Bank for Reconstruction & Development | ebrd.com | N/A |
European Union | europa.eu | N/A |
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights | cidh.oas.org | Internship |
Inter-American Development Bank | iadb.org | Internship |
International Atomic Energy Agency | iaea.org | Internship |
International Centre for the Study of the Preservation & Restoration of Cultural Property |
iccrom.org | Internship |
International Committee of the Red Cross | icrc.org | N/A |
International Finance Corporation | ifc.org | Internship |
International Labour Organization | ilo.org | Internship |
International Monetary Fund | imf.org | Internship |
International Organization for Migration | iom.int | Internship |
International Telecommunication Union | itu.int | Internship |
International Trade Center | intracen.org | Internship |
International Tribunal for the Law of the Seas | itlos.org | Internship |
North Atlantic Treaty Organization | nato.int | Internship |
OAS Inter-American Commission on Human Rights | cidh.org | Internship |
Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons | opcw.org | Internship |
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development | oecd.org | Internship |
Organization for Security & Cooperation in Europe | osce.org | Internship |
Organization of American States | oas.org | Internship |
The Hague Conference on Private International Law | hcch.net | Internship |
United Nations (UN) | un.org | Internship |
UN Center for Human Settlements | unhabitat.org | Internship |
UN Children's Fund | unicef.org | Careers |
UN Commission on International Trade Law | uncitral.org | Internship |
UN Development Fund for Women | refworld.org | N/A |
UN Development Programme | undp.org | Internship |
UN Economic & Social Commission for Asia & the Pacific | unescap.org | N/A |
UN Economic & Social Commission for Western Asia | unescwa.org | N/A |
UN Economic Commission for Africa | uneca.org | N/A |
UN Economic Commission for Europe | unece.org | Internship |
UN Economic Commission for Latin America & the Caribbean | cepal.org | Internship |
UN Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization | unesco.org | Internship |
UN Environmental Program | unep.org | Internship |
UN Food & Agriculture Organization | fao.org | N/A |
UN Framework Convention on Climate Change | newsroom.unfccc.int | Internship |
UN High Commissioner for Refugees | unhcr.org | Internship |
UN Institute for Disarmament Research | unidir.org | Internship |
UN Institute for Training & Research | unitar.org | Job Seekers |
UN Interregional Crime & Justice Research Institute | unicri.it | Job Opportunities |
UN International Computing Center | unicc.org | Careers |
UN International Fund for Agricultural Development | ifad.org | Internship |
UN International Research & Training Institute for the Advancement of Women |
uia.org | N/A |
UN Internship Program | careers.un.org | Internship |
UN Office in Geneva | ungeneva.org | Careers |
UN Office in Nairobi | unon.org | Internship |
UN Office in Vienna | unvienna.org | Internship |
UN Office of Legal Affairs | legal.un.org | Internship |
UN Office on Drugs & Crime | unodc.org | Internship |
UN Population Fund | unfpa.org | Internship |
UN Relief & Works Agency for Palestine Refugees | unrwa.org | Internship |
UN Research Institute for Social Development | unrisd.org | N/A |
UN Systems Staff College | unssc.org | N/A |
UN University | unu.edu | N/A |
UN Volunteers | unv.org | Internship |
World Bank | worldbank.org | Internship |
World Conservation Union | iucn.org | N/A |
World Economic Forum | weforum.org | N/A |
World Food Program | wfp.org | Internship |
World Health Organization | who.int | Internship |
World Intellectual Property Organization | wipo.int | Internship |
World Organization for Animal Health | woah.org | N/A |
World Trade Organization | wto.org | Internship |
Court | Website | Internship Information |
Andean Community Court of Justice | tribunalandino.org.ec | N/A |
Caribbean Court of Justice | caribbeancourtofjustice.org | N/A |
Court of Justice of the European Union | curia.europa.eu | Internship |
European Court of Human Rights | echr.coe.int | N/A |
Inter-American Court of Human Rights | corteidh.or.cr | N/A |
International Court of Arbitration | iccwbo.org | Internship |
International Court of Justice | icj-cij.org | N/A |
International Criminal Court | icc-cpi.int | Internship |
International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda | unictr.irmct.org | Internship |
International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia | icty.org | Internship |
International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea | itlos.org | Internship |
Permanent Court of Arbitration | pca-cpa.org | N/A |
Use the web as a research tool, not just in searching for job listings but also to research potential employers.
Getting to know potential employers is an important part of your job search. Not only will it help to ensure that you are a good fit, but it is necessary to craft tailored application materials and to prepare for an interview. Employers want to know why you want to work for them.
Begin by reviewing the employer's website. Look for a mission statement, primary focus areas and projects, and staff biographies. Do not stop at the employer's website.
Search for jobs by Practice Areas (PDF).
Center for Professional Development
Sullivan Hall, Suite 200
901 12th Avenue
P.O. Box 222000
Seattle, WA 98122-1090