Access to Justice Institute
901 12th Avenue
Sullivan Hall Suite 313
Seattle, WA 98122-1090
Phone: 206-398-4173
Fax: 206-398-4077
Email: atji@seattleu.edu
If you are in need of legal help, please visit WashingtonLawHelp.org or for additional resources.
ATJI’s Pro Bono Pledge Program does not provide legal advice or services, it is solely a program offered to our law students. Seattle University School of Law students cannot provide legal assistance either.
Seattle U Law students are encouraged to pledge to complete at least 100 hours* of legal pro bono and community volunteer work before they graduate.
*Part-time and JD Global Accelerated students may complete 50 hours; masters/LLM students may complete 30 hours
Follow our 3-step process:
Interested students, at any point between their start date and the end of their final semester, may pledge online.
There is a wide range of pro bono and volunteer activity out there, and we can help you find the right opportunity. is a great place to start!
To be eligible for the pledge, work must be:
Once you complete an eligible activity, record your hours online in order to fulfill your Pledge.
The Access to Justice Institute is not a direct legal services provider. For help in finding a lawyer, visit washingtonlawhelp.org or call 2-1-1 if you are inside of King County. If you are outside of King County, call Coordinated Legal Educational Advice Referral (CLEAR) at 1-888-201-1014.