Verification of Enrollment, Good Standing, or Graduation

Enrollment verification

  • Standard letter indicating that you are currently enrolled, status (full-time, at least half-time, or less than half-time) and dates of enrollment.
  • Submit a Document Request Form or email the Registrar (must come from your Seattle University email account).

Enrollment verification for lenders

  • Seattle U Law participates in the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC), which provides enrollment information to most lenders.
  • Occasionally, lenders require additional verification or do not participate in the NSC.
  • If your lender has asked for verification of enrollment, complete your portion of the verification form (usually available for download on their website) and submit the form to the Registrar.

Letter of good standing

  • A letter of good standing is similar to an enrollment verification letter but also includes information on your academic standing.
  • You are in good academic standing if you have not been dismissed or placed on probation for academic or any other reason.
  • Submit a Document Request Form or email the Registrar (must come from your Seattle University email account).

Graduation verification

  • Graduation verifications include your dates of attendance, a confirmation that you received a Juris Doctor degree, and your degree date.
  • Submit a Document Request Form or email the Registrar (must come from your Seattle University email account).

Graduation verification for a bar

  • Each bar has specific requirements for certification of graduation.
  • Review your bar's requirements before completing the Bar Graduation Certification Request form and submit to the Registrar.
  • The Washington State Bar and many other state bars will request a certification of graduation directly from our office.
  • In these cases, you do not need to complete the request form.