All classrooms in Sullivan Hall come with standardized, smart podium interfaces.

To request in-person training, send an email to or ask your administrative assistant to schedule training. Law school staff and full-time faculty can fill out the Equipment Assistance Request Form directly. For more information, see our Equipment Setup and Assistance page.

Classroom Technology Features

A complete list of tutorials on the use of classroom technology can be found on the Classroom Technology Tutorials page.

Standardized Features

Sullivan Hall: C1, C3, C5, C6, C7, Courtroom (105), 109, 110, 121 (clinic conference room), 309, 327, 328, 329

  • Fixed podiums with touchscreen controls
  • Laptop connections (there are no fixed computers in law school classrooms)
    • VGA video cable, 3.5mm (1/8") sound output, power outlets, Ethernet cable
    • Adapters available for DVI, HDMI and mini display.
    • NOTE: VGA/HDMI connection is recommended for personal laptops/tablets to connect to the projector.
  • Document cameras with zoom controls
  • White boards (faculty must provide their own dry-erase markers)
  • Controls for projection, lights, and sound
  • Telephones on the wall for emergency or on-campus calls
  • Wireless network coverage and wired Ethernet cables
    • Wired connections do not require SU credentials
    • Wireless connections require an SU account; guest wireless account requests must go through the Help Desk

Additional features in specific rooms:

  • Built-in podium microphones (SLLH C1, C5, C6, Courtroom, 109, 110, 309, 327, 329)
  • Ceiling Voice-Lift system for student discussions (C1, C5, C6, Courtroom)
  • SU School of Law logo projection (C5, C6, 105, 109, 309 )
  • Sound System VOIP inputs for laptops (C5, 309, 329)
    • Can be used to interface the classroom sound system with Skype and Adobe Connects
  • Additional microphone inputs (SLLH C1, C5, C6, Courtroom, 110)
  • Wireless lavaliere clip-on microphones (SLLH C1, C5, C6, 105, 109, 110, 327, 329)
    • Keys to wireless microphone cabinets are available from administrative assistants

Equipment NOT available in classrooms:

  • Built-in computer - you will need access to a laptop with compatible ports or adapters.
  • Audio cassette decks
  • DVD players (you will need a laptop with an optical drive or a portable DVD player for playback)
  • VHS players

Multipurpose Rooms (non-classroom spaces)

As our classrooms are often full, some special events are scheduled in multipurpose spaces that double as hallways and/or study areas. If you are expecting to do a presentation in these areas, here is what you should know.

Sullivan 2nd Floor Gallery

  • Microphone inputs
  • Music player input (1/8" port)
  • Lighting

By pre-arrangement, a portable projector and screen can be set up. Panel microphones are also possible through the use of a mixer, which Media Services can set up.

Sullivan Conference Room 121

This room is a non-classroom space for conferences. However, it has classroom-like functionality as listed above.

Classroom Maintenance

Media Services conducts morning equipment checks inside all law school classrooms. While these checks prevent most issues from impacting classes, breakdowns and/or user errors can impact equipment during the day. To report problems with the equipment in law school classrooms, call x4444 or send a detailed email to