Seattle U Law employs a dedicated IT staff to help operate the law school’s Technology Help Desk and Media Services.

Technology Help Desk

  • Performs computer hardware, printing, telephone, and software support for law school students, faculty and staff
  • Dell-certified to repair/replace computer parts under warranty without a service charge
  • Committed to helping all students with laptop issues regardless of brand (we cannot perform warranty repair work on systems outside of our purchase program)

Media Services

We support and enhance event programing and faculty teaching, research, and curriculum needs by providing robust services in the following areas: 

Requesting Service

Requests must be submitted at least one week in advance. Assistance is not available on Sundays.


Work directly with the law school's Student Affairs staff.

Faculty and staff

For more information, see Tech Services and Requests.

Service request forms:

Note: For departmental staff organizing special events, work directly with Event Administration.