Executive board
Position Name Email
President Morgan Graves sba_president@seattleu.edu
Vice President Brendan O'Neill sba_vicepresident@seattleu.edu
Treasurer Bharatee Preeya Annadurai Kavitha sba_treasurer@seattleu.edu
Council members
Position Name Email
Academic Standards Representative Clara De Abreu E Souza cdeabreuesouza@seattleu.edu
1L Flex JD Representative Laura Woods lwoods2@seattleu.edu
1L Section A Representative Isabell Murray imurray@seattleu.edu
1L Section B Representative Tatum Doke tdoke@seattleu.edu
ABA Law Student Division Representative Brittany Towner btowner@seattleu.edu
Alumni Representative Hannah Porter hporter@seattleu.edu
Disability Representative Robert Roy rroy@seattleu.edu
Diversity Representative Carol Xie cxie@seattleu.edu
Faculty Standards Representative Isabell Murray imurray@seattleu.edu
Flex JD Representative Laura Woods lwoods2@seattleu.edu
GSC Representative Grace Lewis glewis2@seattleu.edu
KCBA New Lawyers Division Representative Lucas Dini ldini@seattleu.edu
LLM and International Student Rep Nina Esquivel gesquivel@seattleu.edu
MLS Representative Vacant  
Public Interest Representative Lillian Lee llee11@seattleu.edu
Student Activities Representative Natalie Wilkins nwilkins@seattleu.edu
Student Services Representative Gregory Rodriguez grodriguez3@seattleu.edu
Transfer and Visiting Student Representative Catherine Mitri cmitri@seattleu.edu
WSBA Young Lawyers Division Representative Hollie Hutchison hhutchison@seattleu.edu
Non-voting staff
Position Name Email
Secretary Roger Robertson rrobertson1@seattleu.edu
Parliamentarian Lexi Hanson ahanson1@seattleu.edu
Communications Director Stephanie Chaparro schaparro@seattleu.edu
Presidential Advisor for Veteran-Students Casey Scoular cscoular@seattleu.edu
Presidential Advisor for Parent-Students Travis Bremmeyer tbremmeyer@seattleu.edu
Advisory staff
Position Name Email
Advisor Kristin DiBiase kdibiase@seattleu.edu
Advisor Vacant Vacant
Student Life Intern Vacant Vacant


Student Bar Association (SBA)
Sullivan Hall Room 102

Morgan Graves
Student Bar Association President


Kristin DiBiase
Associate Dean,
Student Life, Diversity & Inclusion

Sullivan Hall 200C