When employers hire a student or graduate of Seattle U Law, they’ve chosen wisely. Our curriculum builds not just legal knowledge but also real-world skills and professionalism.
Contact us for more information about any of these programs and services.
Center for Professional Development
Sullivan Hall, Suite 200
901 12th Avenue
P.O. Box 222000
Seattle, WA 98122-1090
Looking for legal talent? We can help. The Center for Professional Development (CPD) connects employers with our talented and highly capable students and graduates. Seattle U Law has prepared our graduates with foundational knowledge and practical skills, so they’ll hit the ground running. Here's how law firms, nonprofits, and government agencies can connect with our students.
There are three opportunities every year to meet several students at a time and conduct short screening interviews. OCI takes place in August for large employers, October (recent grads), and in the spring for small to midsized firms.
For more information, see On-Campus Interviews >
Employers can use Symplicity.com, our web-based job posting network, to post positions and gather application materials online. All Seattle U Law students and alumni have access to this resource, and it provides employers with an efficient way to reach a large applicant pool.
If you are unable to interview on campus, the Center for Professional Development can collect and forward applications to you and arrange interviews.
Held annually in February and sponsored by the NW Consortium of Law Schools, this event connects over 60 employers with students from Seattle U Law and nine other law schools.
This is a form of financial aid that allows a student to work part-time in their field of study and that reimburses an employer up to 65% of a student's wages. Please contact Student Financial Services.
At many large corporations and emerging companies, students have prepared training materials, drafted memoranda, and assisted with review of SEC filings and legal audits. Legal interns do not expect permanent employment, but they do hope to gain valuable experience.