Each year the law school reports graduate employment information to the American Bar Association (ABA). We have posted ABA Employment Summary reports for the last three years: 2023, 2022, and 2021. If you have questions about what these numbers mean, please feel free to contact a member of the Center for Professional Development team.

A decorative pie chart - see Employment Statistics table below.

Class of 2023 Employment Statistics*
Employed** 88%
Employed in a position with a deferred start date 1%
Pursuing Graduate Degree 2%
Unemployed and not seeking employment 2%
Unemployed and seeking employment 6%
Employment status unknown 2%

*as of March 15, 2024, which is the employment cut-off date utilized by the ABA.

**includes bar passage required/anticipated, JD advantage, professional, and other positions as defined by the ABA.

Employment by Type (of total 2023 graduates employed by 3/15/2024)

Includes full-time, part-time, long-term, and short-term positions

Type Percentage
Employed in Bar Passage Required/Anticipated Position 78%
Employed in JD Advantage Position 13%
Employed in Professional Position 3%
Employed in Other Position 5%
Employment by Sector (of total 2023 graduates employed by 3/15/2024)

Includes full-time, part-time, long-term, and short-term positions

Sector Percentage
Law Firm (see breakdown below) 49%
Business & Industry 11%
Government 18%
Public Interest 14%
Judicial Clerkships 5%
Education 3%
Law Firm Employment

Includes full-time, part-time, long-term, and short-term positions

Law Firm Percentage
1-10 Attorneys 27%
11-25 Attorneys 8%
26-50 Attorneys 5%
51-100 Attorneys 2%
101-250 Attorneys 2%
251-500 Attorneys 0%
501+ Attorneys 4%
Solo Practice 2%
Total of 2023 graduates employed in a law firm by 3/15/2024 49%
Employment by Duration (of total 2023 graduates employed by 3/15/2024)
Employment Type Percentage
Long Term Employment 95% (89% full-time, 6% part-time)
Short Term Employment (lasting less than one year) 5% (2% full-time, 3% part-time)

All percentages are rounded to the nearest whole number.