Center for Professional Development
Sullivan Hall, Suite 200
901 12th Avenue
P.O. Box 222000
Seattle, WA 98122-1090
Center for Professional Development (CPD) advisors are available to assist both students and alumni with revising their job search materials.
Our standard policy is to respond to requests and provide feedback within 5 business days.
Our goal is to review and return your documents with comments and suggestions as quickly as possible, and we make every effort to do so. However, during peak times such as OCI and diversity fellowship application seasons, we receive a significant number of requests. Please be sure to plan ahead and allow ample time to receive and implement our feedback before an application deadline.
Before contacting an advisor, please update your documents following the direction we have provided on our Preparing Materials webpage. So that we can assist students and alumni as efficiently as possible, and to avoid duplicative reviews, we ask that you submit your materials and request a meeting with only one member of the CPD Team at a time. If you receive an out-of-office reply, and would like to ask another advisor to review your materials, please copy the first advisor so they are aware that your request has been shared with a teammate. This will give us the opportunity to coordinate review requests and respond as quickly as possible.
CPD advisors are here to provide support and guidance to you during the job search. Your cooperation with this policy allows us to provide the best service possible to all of our students and alumni.
CPD Advisors will review:
CPD advisors will not review:
(Updated Nov. 18, 2024)
The Center for Professional Development works with recent graduates and alumni who are seeking new opportunities. We are here for you regardless of where you are in your career! Job postings, resume and cover letter review, and mock interviews are available to you whenever you need them. We serve alumni by providing career advising through in-person, phone or email contact. To schedule an appointment with one of our advisors, email the Center for Professional Development or call 206-398-4100.