The Externship Program provides law students with the opportunity to gain valuable legal work experience while earning academic credit.

Externship Benefits

Completing an externship can:

  • Make you a more attractive candidate to potential employers
  • Aid your transition from law student to practicing attorney
  • Allow you to practice and improve critical lawyering skills and values
  • Help you form your professional identity
  • Increase your awareness of social justice issues

Program Overview

Externships are

  • Law-related placements outside of law school, where you generally work for a government agency, nonprofit or court and attend a seminar with law school faculty
  • Similar to internships, but instead of working for pay, you earn law school credit upon satisfactory completion
  • Educational opportunities, where students are closely mentored by onsite supervising attorneys or judges, with time to reflect on and discuss your experience with a faculty supervisor in a related seminar
  • Opportunities to apply your legal training in real-world legal working environments, enhance your readiness for practice, and learn about possible career paths
  • Vital components of law students’ legal training

What you can expect

  • Each externship is unique
  • The type of work varies depending on the placement
  • All students engage in law-related work, no matter the externship
  • Designed to be a learning experience
  • Both your faculty and site supervisors will guide you in reflecting on your experience, which helps you learn and grow as a lawyer


  • Externships can be full- or part-time
  • You and your site supervisor must settle on the number of hours you will work each week
  • This number determines how many credits you earn. (See academic credit section for more information)
  • As part of your externship, you must attend and participate in a (PDF) to determine number of credits earned for given hours of work.

Note: Most sites will allow you to volunteer more hours than what you earn credit for. But please be aware that working more hours than what the credits require does not mean you will automatically earn more credits. Be aware also that at some sites, particularly in summer, students are required to work full-time, regardless of the number of credits earned.
