Endowment Gifts ensure the long-term success of Seattle University School of Law. Top priorities include scholarships, faculty support, and academic student programs. Sample named gift opportunities include:

  • Competition Award/Prizes - $25,000 minimum
    Provides financial support in recognition of graduate student or faculty excellence. Examples include: Moot Court competitions, James E. Bond Competition, and Dispute Resolution Board competitions.
  • Scholarship - $50,000 minimum
    Supports financial aid to qualified graduate students. Student selection criteria may include financial need, academic merit, community service or other preferences communicated by the investor.
  • Program Support - $100,000 minimum
    Provides ongoing support to a particular academic, or student development program. Examples include: Access to Justice Institute, Berle Center, Korematsu Center, Legal Writing Program, Public Interest Law Foundation, and Alaska Initiatives.
  • Lecture Series - $250,000 minimum
    Supports lectures, symposia, debates, and presentations that engage our entire community in the critical issues and challenges of our time.
  • Professorship* - $1,000,000 to $2 million
    Provides financial support for a faculty member in the School of Law. May provide partial salary support, research support or other support to help achieve scholarly goals. Professorships are generally given to career faculty.
  • Chair* - $2,500,000 or more
    Provides financial support for a faculty member in the School of Law. May provide partial or full salary support, research support or other support to help achieve scholarship goals. Chairs are generally given to career faculty. 

* Minimum may be higher depending on the type of professorship or chair desired.

Through the generous support of alumni and friends the following endowments have been established in support of Seattle University School of Law.