Bar Success Program
901 12th Avenue, Sullivan Hall
P.O. Box 222000
Seattle, WA 98122-1090
Isabel Freitas Peres
Director of Bar Success and Adjunct Professor of Law
Megan Motley
Associate Director of Academic Excellence and Bar Success and Adjunct Professor of Law
Sophia Orlando
Faculty Legal Administrative Assistant
Your first year of law school is filled with many new learning experiences. It is difficult to think of studying for the bar exam when you have three years of law school to first complete. However, it is a good idea to keep in mind that you will be seeing the first year course material again during your bar preparation. Additionally, there are critical skills that you will be developing and refining as you learn to become legal thinkers and writers. Mastering those skills is essential to your success in law school, passing the bar and practicing law.
During your second year of law school, you will have much more control over your schedule and your class selection. Review the list of subjects tested on the bar exam in the state in which you plan to practice. Furthermore, some states require additional examinations (such as the MPRE) which are given on dates other than the usual bar examination dates.
In your third year of law school, you should be thinking about the upcoming bar examination. Advance planning is the key to your success. Making some important decisions and creating a time line of significant dates will get you started.