Zulen Pantoja-Ortega

Zulen Pantoja-Ortega

Class of 2024


January 2023

Officially halfway done with law school! I cannot believe that I only have three semesters left. If 2L has taught me anything so far, balance is essential. During the 1L year, I focused almost entirely on school and studying. Now that I had my first year under my belt, I was more confident in myself as a student and decided to branch out and take on more leadership roles on campus. I officially stepped into my role as Vice President of Communications for ADR and managed all our communications. I made posters for each competition and Instagram posts and informed the school about all things ADR. I also competed in ADR's Client Counseling and Mediation competitions with my best friend. I completed my first semester as part of the Student Bar Association and have had the opportunity to learn more about the school and current students' needs. I am excited to continue to work with SBA on events for the students, specifically Barrister's Ball (aka Law Prom). I also became a member of the Moot Court Board, and I look forward to expanding my legal network and possibly competing in a Moot Court competition.

Although I was booked and busy this semester, with extracurricular activities school always came first. This semester I took Con Law, Legal Writing II, Trust and Estates, Professional Responsibility and Lawyering in Spanish. When I wasn’t attending a meeting or participating in a competition I was in class or reading for class. Another nice thing about 2L is that finals are less stressful. Two of my finals were in person oral exams which was fun; one was for Lawyering in Spanish in which we had a conversation about a legal problem in Spanish and the other was s an oral argument that I worked on all semester for Legal Writing II. The other two finals were in person but open note which really takes some of the pressure off. I still studied just as hard as I did 1L but it was nice to have my notes there just in case.

I have learned so much about myself this past year and a half and grown much more confident. I can't wait to see what the spring semester has in store. Spring semester I’ll be taking my last required course for law school! I will be taking Evidence, Family Law, Pre-trial advocacy, Criminal Procedure and Lawyering in Spanish. I am so excited to continue to practice my oral advocacy skills and legal Spanish. I am also looking forward to our semester gathering with the other Scholars for Justice in the Spring. It is a time for us to come together and share what we have been up to and how we have been doing, because we are all so busy it usually only happens once or twice a semester. Next up, applying to summer internships, attending the Northwest Public Service Career Fair and hopefully landing a summer internship!