Civil Rights Clinic | Open to Seattle U Law students

The Civil Rights Clinic is a 6-credit, one-semester course that allows students to work on important, interesting civil rights issues pending before state and federal appeals courts. The clinic is taught by faculty and staff associated with Seattle U Law’s Fred T. Korematsu Center for Law and Equality.

In past years, clinic students have worked on a wide range of issues, including drafting briefs that:

  • Challenged Arizona's ethnic studies ban (Arizona federal district court and Ninth Circuit)
  • Fought bias in closing arguments (Ninth Circuit)
  • Challenged the application of the death penalty (Washington Supreme Court)
  • Argued the need for diversity on medical school faculties (U.S. Supreme Court)

Clinic faculty

  • In Spring 2020, faculty will be professors Bob Chang and Lorraine Bannai, along with Korematsu Center assistant directors Melissa Lee and Jessica Levin.
  • Questions: contact Professor Bob Chang.
  • For descriptions of the work of the Korematsu Center and briefs written in its cases, see the Korematsu Center webpage.

Application instructions:

Email Professor Bob Chang at least 24 hours before the lottery to confirm:

  • That you have completed Constitutional Law (CNLW-200) with a grade of B or better and Legal Writing II (WRIT-200) with a grade of B+ or better, or to request a waiver of this prerequisite
  • That your schedule will permit you to schedule 17.5 office hours per week during regular business hours