35 Years After Bhopal: Lessons Learned?

The Center co-hosted the Berger Current Events Colloquium “35 Years After Bhopal: Lessons Learned?” on November 15, 2019.

On the night of December 2, 1984, twenty-five tons of a highly lethal gas leaked from the Union Carbine India pesticide plant in Bhopal, India. The scale of the disaster was profound. Thousands of men, women, and children were killed instantly; tens of thousands were seriously injured; and hundreds of thousands continue to suffer from long-term environmental contamination. Efforts to assign liability, compensate victims, and remediate the physical environment stretched over the ensuing decades, yet have proved largely futile.

The panel discussion brought together experts in Indian law, transnational law, and risk management to examine what we have learned, if anything, from the Bhopal disaster.

View the lecture transcript.

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India Center for Law and Justice
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P.O. Box 222000
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