Sital Kalantry

Sital Kalantry

Professor of Law

Associate Dean of Graduate Studies and International Programs

Faculty Director, India Center for Law and Justice

Professor Kalantry is an expert in comparative law, transnational feminist legal theory, and business and human rights. She studies India and the United States from a comparative perspective to examine what policies and regulations enhance the effectiveness of judicial institutions and promote human rights.

Informed by a decade of human rights practice in international and domestic courts, she uses interdisciplinary methods to understand what mechanisms best promote state compliance with international human rights. Having spent many years in corporate practice, she works with business leaders to ensure that business organizations are satisfying their duty to respect human rights.

In her book, Women’s Human Rights and Migration, she examines how regulations on migrant women are influenced by acontextual and limited knowledge about laws and practices in migrant-sending countries. She has argued for the need for a new transnational feminist approach drawing on comparative, empirical, and other methodologies.

Her works have appeared in the North Carolina Law Review, Cornell Law Review (online), Stanford Journal of International Law, UCLA Law Review (online), Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, Cornell Journal of Public Policy, UCLA Journal of Law and Foreign Affairs, Human Rights Quarterly, the Nordic Journal of Human Rights, and a number of other peer-reviewed journals and university presses. Her opinion pieces have been published in the New York Times, Slate, The New York Daily News, and in other publications. She has been invited to deliver numerous presentations and talks around the world.

She received a Fulbright-Nehru Research Scholar grant to conduct research on the Indian Supreme Court as well as several other awards and grants for her work. She is a regular media commentator on reproductive rights, human rights, surrogacy, and immigration. She serves as referee for a human rights journal and an academic press. She is on the editorial board of the Jindal Global Law Review, Christ University Law Journal, and the Maharashtra National University Law Review. She is appointed as a Distinguished Fellow at Jindal Global Law School.

Please click here for her full CV.

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India Center for Law and Justice
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P.O. Box 222000
Seattle, WA 98122-1090