Photo of T.K. Anney

T.K. Anney

Class of 2024


Housing justice, civil rights, family law


I am the co-president of the National Lawyers Guild’s Seattle U Law chapter, the core organizer of the SU Break Up With SPD Coalition, and an article editor for the Seattle Journal for Social Justice.


It is my life's work to push back against the capitalist, white supremacist, cis-heteropatriarchal power structure however I can. The law exists to uphold that structure, so my participation in the legal world causes me to experience a lot of tension. It is only in community with other people who are experiencing that same tension that I can navigate the day-to-day. I also know that no one is free until we all are, and if I can leverage my privilege (and my JD) to support those who are the most crushed under the capitalist, white supremacist, cis-heteropatriarchal machine, it might make us all - including me - just a tiny bit freer. It is only in community that any of us have the strength to continue to take on this impossible task.

