Photo of Ariadna Quinares Navarrete

Ariadna Quinares Navarrete

Class of 2024


Estate, business, tax planning


I created the undocumented Law Student Association to have a safe space for and by undocumented law students. I am also managing editor of the Seattle Journal for Social Justice. I have always had an intense interest in academic writing and social justice, and being able to be a part of a journal that does just that is extremely gratifying. I have participated in almost all of the Moot Court and ADR competitions, and competed in Mediation Regionals in March. This has helped me hone essential lawyering skills that I plan and hope to use in my practice as an attorney.


I was born in Mexico and moved to the U.S. when I was about 4 years old. Growing up, I never realized how much of an impact my undocumented status had until applying for undergraduate universities. During my childhood, I saw how hard my father worked, sometimes two or three jobs at a time just to make ends meet. My family still lives in the same home that we first started renting when we arrived in the U.S., and seeing how hard my family works to only be able to live paycheck-to-paycheck was a big motivator in what I wanted to do with my career. When immigration became a big issue, especially in the Trump era, the fear of ICE throughout my community resonated with me. I hope to give back to my community because I know the hardships that come with being an undocumented Latine in a country where hate and bigotry excel. I am one of the few that is privileged to "make it out," as many say, and now that I have, I want to help as many people in my community as possible.


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