Photo of Ankita Mishra

Ankita Mishra

Class of 2024


Criminal, international, human rights, personal injury, civil rights


I am president of the Middle Eastern/South Asian Law Association (MESALA). I am a member of the Public Interest Law Foundation (PILF), the Asian Law Students Association (ALSA), and the Alternative Dispute Resolution Board. I have competed in and placed at multiple ADR and Moot Court Board competitions as well.


The essence of being a lawyer is ingrained in public service. Since lawyers have the knowledge and means to help people, my sole purpose in pursuing law is to give back to my community. Belonging to an underrepresented community myself, I believe it is my purpose and duty to help these people in need, who are often overlooked by the American justice system. Throughout my legal career and life, I hope to continue engaging in meaningful work, which will help me serve and give back to my community.


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