Director of the Law Library and Librarian
Ms. Phillips has worked as a librarian for the Washington State Attorney General's Office, Washington State Department of Retirement Systems, Gallagher Law Library East Asian Law Department and Lane Powell Spears Lubersky. Recipient of a Blakemore Fellowship, she studied Mandarin Chinese at the Stanford Center in Taipei, Taiwan. Ms. Phillips was a visiting scholar at the Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Law in spring 2007.
An Informal Exploration of How Academic Law Libraries Curate Research Guides to Support Democracy, Rule of Law, and the Legal System, 113 Law Libr. J. 339 (2021).
A Tragedy of the Commons: Property Rights Issues in Shanghai Historic Residences, 28 Penn State International Law Review 137 (2009) (with Amy L. Sommers).
The P.R.C.'s Negotiable Instruments Law: An Instrument for Facilitating Private Economic Activity or Monetary Control?, 20 Hous. J. Int'l L. 317 (1998) (with Amy L. Sommers).
Assessing the Tax Administration Law of the People's Republic of China, 18 Loy. L.A. Int'l & Comp. L.J. 339 (1996) (with Amy L. Sommers).
REAL PROPERTY LAW IN CHINA: A GUIDE TO FOREIGN INVESTMENT (American Bar Association Section of International Law 2011) (with Amy Sommers).
Seattle University Law Library, in Organizational Structures of Academic Law Libraries: Past, Present, and Future (Elizabeth Adelman & Jessica de Perio Wittman, eds., 2023).
China, in SOURCES OF STATE PRACTICE IN INTERNATIONAL LAW 129 (Ralph Gaebler & Alison Shea, eds., 2d ed. 2014).