Assistant Dean for Academic Excellence and Bar Success and Associate Professor of Law
Jeff Minneti has directed the Academic Resource Center (ARC) since 2015.The ARC is a team of dedicated academic support professionals whose focus is to equip students with the academic and executive function skills they need to accomplish their personal best in law school and pass the bar exam on their first attempt. As director, Professor Minneti leads the Law School’s Access Admission Program. He teaches Criminal Law to students entering through the Program, and together with the ARC Team, partners with the Access Admission students throughout their law school experience. Professor Minneti also teaches Trusts and Estates and Enhanced Analytical Skills to upper-level students. And he meets individually with students who are academically struggling, students who are seeking to enhance their academic performance, and students who are preparing for the bar exam.
Professor Minneti's scholarship focuses on two interests: (1) the intersection of behavioral economics and environmental regulation and (2) the study of how students' preferences, choices, and behaviors affect their academic performance. A common theme across his scholarship is the study of decision making and decision architecture. A recent paper found that law students' work drive is an effective predictor of their academic performance, which suggests that when students modify their preferences and choices around the work associated with law school, they will improve their academic performance. In 2018, he published an article describing the theoretical framework for SU Law's Access Admission Program, focusing on how the program is steeped in the neurobiology of learning and student motivation.
Professor Minneti previously taught at Stetson University College of Law in St. Petersburg, Florida, where he directed the school's academic success program and taught students courses in Trusts and Estates, Remedies, and Survey of Florida Law. Prior to his work at Stetson, Professor Minneti practiced with the Tampa law firm, Murray, Morin, and Herman. His practice focused on defending the interests of London market insurers in the aviation industry. Upon graduation from law school, Professor Minneti clerked for Thomas A. Woodall, an Associate Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court. While in law school, Professor Minneti served as Editor-in-Chief of the American Journal of Trial Advocacy.
Jeffrey J. Minneti, Drawing upon Choice Architecture to Improve Student's Study Practices, Learning Curve (Spring 2022)
Jeffrey J. Minneti, Environmental Governance and the Global South, __ Wm. & Mary Envtl. L. & Pol’y Rev.__ (forthcoming 2018).
Jeffrey J. Minneti, A Comprehensive Approach to Law School Access Admission, 18 U. Md. L. J. Race, Rel., Gender, & Class 189 (2018).
Jeffrey J. Minneti, Work Drive Matters, 42 Mitchell Hamline L. Rev. 150 (2016).
Jeffrey J. Minneti, Rising Together: Clarifying the International Environmental Marketing Claim Regulatory Landscape so that Developing Country Exporters May More Effectively Market their Environmentally Responsible Products, 2 Notre Dame J. Int’l & Comp. L. 1 (2011).
Jeffrey J. Minneti, Relational Integrity Regulation, 40 Envtl. L. 1327 (2010) (published work; reviewed as part of my tenure process at Stetson University School of Law).
Jeffrey J. Minneti, Is it Too Easy Being Green: A Behavioral Economics Approach to Determining whether to Regulate Environmental Marketing Claims, 55 Loy. L. Rev. 653 (2009).
Jeffrey J. Minneti, An Overview of the United States Legal System, in An Overview of United States Law (Ellen S. Podgor & John F. Cooper eds., 2009).
Robin Boyle, Jeffrey J. Minneti & Andrea Honigsfeld, Law Students Are Different from the General Population: Empirical Findings Regarding Learning Styles, 17 Persp. Teaching Legal Res. & Writing 153 (Spring 2009).
Jeffrey J. Minneti & Catherine Cameron, Teaching Every Student: A Demonstration Lesson that Adapts Instruction to Students’ Learning Styles, 17 Persp. Teaching Legal Res. & Writing 161 (Spring 2009).
Jeffrey J. Minneti & Catherine J. Cameron, Using Student Learning Preferences to Compare and Contrast Objective Memo Writing with Essay Exam Writing, 22 The Second Draft 10 (Spring 2008).
Professor Minneti is currently serving on the Washington Bar Licensure Task Force, which is focused on attorney licensure reform efforts. Professor Minneti is also serving on the AALS Teaching Method's Executive Committee and the Association for Academic Support Educators Diversity Committee. Professor Minneti will be presenting "Exploring Law Students' Academic Interests, Motivation, and Study Practices" at the Association of Academic Support Educators 10th Annual National Conference in May 2023.
Jeff Minneti presented "Out of the Silo and Into the Community at the Association of Academic Support Educators Annual Conference in St. Louis on May 23, 2018."
Jeff Minneti was elected Treasurer-elect of the Association of Academic Support Educators during the Association's Annual Conference.