Professor Tayyab Mahmud joined Seattle University School of Law in 2006. He served as the Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Development from 2007-2009, and was formerly the director of the Center for Global Justice. He holds a Ph.D. in Political Science, and before going to law school taught International Relations and Political Science at various universities in Pakistan and the United States. A graduate of University of California Hastings College of the Law, he is licensed to practice in California and Pakistan. His has worked with the California Attorney General's Office, the Los Angeles District Attorney's Office, the San Francisco-based firm Pettit & Martin, and the Pakistan-based firm Walker Martineau Saleem. He started his career as a law professor at Cleveland-Marshall College of Law in 1989. He was a Law & Public Affairs (LAPA) Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University in 2011-12, and a Visiting Scholar at Harvard Law School in 1997-1998. Between 2004-2006, he was Professor of Law and Chair, Global Perspectives Group, at the John Marshall Law School in Chicago.
From 2006-2008, Professor Mahmud was Co-President of the Society of American Law Teachers (SALT), an organization of progressive law teachers working for justice, diversity, and academic excellence. Currently, he serves on the Advisory Committee of the Board of Governors of SALT, and the Steering Committee of the Board of Directors of Latina/o Critical Legal Studies, Inc. (LatCrit). He has served on the editorial boards of The American Journal of Comparative Law, Hastings Int'l & Comparative Law Review, Journal of Third World Legal Studies, and the Journal of Humanities Research.
Professor Mahmud has published extensively in the areas of comparative constitutional law, human rights, international law, legal history and legal theory. His primary research areas are critical legal theory, colonial legal regimes, international law, and post-colonial legal systems. His current research is focused on neoliberal political economy and extra-constitutional usurpation and exercise of power in post-colonial states.
Caught Between the Lines: Colonial Borders, FATA and Faltering Movement of Justice in Pakistan, in Handbook on Space, Place and Law Robyn Bartel and Jennifer Carter eds., (Edward Elgar; forthcoming).
Becoming LatCrit, 17 U. Miami Race and Social Justice L. Rev. 342 (2018).
Storytelling and Theorizing Resistance, 16 Seattle J. of Social Justice 607 (2018).
Wanted Dead & Alive: Constitutionalism, Human Rights and the Colonial Exception, 33 Wisconsin International L. J. 532 (2015).
Neoliberalism, Debt & Discipline, in Political Economy and Law: A Handbook of Contemporary Research, Theory and Practice, John Haskell and Ugo Mattei eds. (Edward Elgar: 2015).
Precarious Existence and Capitalism: A Permanent State of Exception,44 Southwestern Law Review (2015)
LatCrit Praxis @ XX: Toward Equal Justice in Law, Education and Society, 90 Chicago-Kent L. Rev. 361 (2015);( co-authors Athena Mutua & Francisco Valdes).
Looking Back, Moving Forward: Latin Roots of the Modern Global and Global Orientation of LatCrit, 12 Seattle J. Social Justice 699 (2014).
Cheaper Than a Slave: Indentured Labor, Colonialism and Capitalism, 34 Whittier L. Rev. 215 (2013).
Debt & Discipline: Neoliberal Political Economy and the Working Classes, 104 Kentucky L. J. 1 (2013).
Debt and Discipline, 64 American Quarterly 469 (2012).
Is it Greek or déjà vu all over again?: Neoliberalism, and Winners and Losers of International Debt Crises, 42 LOOLA CHICAGO L. J. 629 (2011).
PIGGS, ITraxx Sov, Neoliberalism, and Unshackled Finance Capital, 1 Global Business L. Rev. 108 (2011).
Colonial Cartographies, Postcolonial Borders, and Enduring Failures of International Law: The Unending War along the Afghanistan-Pakistan frontier, 20 BROOKLYN J. INT’L L. 1 (2010).
“Surplus Humanity” and Margins of Law: Slums, Slumdogs, and Accumulation by Dispossession, 14 CHAPMAN L. REV. 1 (2010).
Geography of Law & the Law of Geography: A Postcolonial Mapping, 3 WASH. U. JUR. REV. 64 (2010).
Slums, Slumdogs, and Resistance, 18 AM. U. J. GENDER, SOCIAL POLICY & THE LAW 685 (2010).
Geography and International Law: A Postcolonial Mapping, 5 SANTA CLARA J. OF INT’L L. 525 (2007).
Postcoloniality and Mythologies of Civil(ized) Society, 26 U.C.L.A. CHICANO-LATINO L. REV. 41 (2006).
Limit Horizons & Critique: Seductions and Perils of the Nation, 50 VILLANOVA L. REV. 939 (2005).
Citizen and Citizenship Within and Beyond the Nation, 52 CLEVELAND STATE L. REV. 51 (2005).
Genealogy of a State-Engineered “Model Minority”: “Not Quite/Not White” South Asian Americans, 78 DENVER L. REV. 657 (2001).
Foreword: Re-Orienting Law and Sexuality, 48 CLEVELAND STATE L. REV. 1 (2000) [co-authored with Ratna Kapur].
Hegemony, Coercion and Teeth Gritting Harmony: A Commentary on Law, Power and Culture in Franco’s Spain 33 MICHIGAN J. of LAW REFORM 411/ 5 MICHIGAN J. OF RACE AND LAW 995 (2000) [co-authored with Ratna Kapur].
Race, Reason and Representation, 33 U. DAVIS L. REV. 1581 (2000).
Colonial Migrations and Post-Colonial Identities in South Asia, 23 SOUTH ASIA: J. OF SOUTH ASIAN SYUDIES 87 (2000).
Colonialism and Modern Constructions of Race: A Preliminary Inquiry, 53 U. MIAMI L. REV. 1219 (1999).
Postcolonial Imaginaries: Alternative Development or Alternatives to Development?, 9 TRANSNATIONAL L. & CONTEMPORARY PROBLEMS 25 (1999).
Book Review (The Challenge in Kashmir: Democracy, Self-Determination and a Just Peace), 21 SOUTH ASIA: J. of SOUTH ASIAN STUDIES 311 (1998).
International Law and the “Race-ed” Colonial Encounter, 1997 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF INT’L LAW PROCEEDINGS 413 (1997).
Migration, Identity & the Colonial Encounter, 76 OREGON L. REV. 633 (1997).
Freedom of Religion & Religious Minorities in Pakistan: A Study of Judicial Practice, 19 FORDHAM INT'L L. J. 40 (1995).
Protecting Religious Minorities: The Courts' Abdication, in PAKISTAN: 1995 (Charles H. Kennedy and Rasul B. Rais eds. Boulder: Westview 1995).
Jurisprudence of Successful Treason: Coup d'Etat & Common Law, 27 CORNELL INT'L L. J. 49 (1994)
Praetorianism & Common Law in Post-Colonial Settings: Judicial Responses to Constitutional Breakdowns in Pakistan, 1993 (4) UTAH L. REV. 1225 (1993).
Nature & Role of the State in Peripheral Societies, 2:2 OCCASIONAL PAPERS IN POLITICAL SCIENCE 162 (1982).
Epistemology of Social Inquiry: Towards a Critique of Logical Positivism/Empiricism, 4:2 SCRUTINY 29 (1981).
"Politics of the New International Information Order," Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Political Science, University of Hawaii, 1981.