Kelly Kunsch has performed and taught legal research for more than two decades. He taught Legal Research Methods and lectures for a variety of other classes and programs. He edited the four volume treatise, Washington Practice: Methods of Practice (for which he wrote numerous chapters) and co-authored the first two editions of The Legal Writing Handbook. He is also the author of several law review articles which have been cited not only by Washington courts, but by federal courts and courts in other states as well. In college, he excelled in tennis; his unbeaten freshman season has never been duplicated at Gonzaga.
1-1C Washington Practice: Methods of Practice (ed., 4th ed. 1997 & 1998 Supplement).
The Legal Writing Handbook: Analysis, Research, and Writing (Aspen Publishers 2d ed. 1998; 3d ed. 2002) (with Laurel Currie Oates and Anne Enquist).
The Legal Writing Handbook: Research, Analysis, and Writing (Aspen Publishers 1993) (with accompanying Workbook and Teacher's Manual) (with Laurel Currie Oates and Anne Enquist).
Billing, in 1-1C Washington Practice: Methods of Practice (ed., 4th ed. 1997 & 1998 Supplement).
Client Trust Accounts, in 1-1C Washington Practice: Methods of Practice (ed., 4th ed. 1997 & 1998 Supplement).
Commercial Leases, in 1-1C Washington Practice: Methods of Practice (ed., 4th ed. 1997 & 1998 Supplement).
Construction Law, in 1-1C Washington Practice: Methods of Practice (ed., 4th ed. 1997 & 1998 Supplement).
The Corporation, in 1-1C Washington Practice: Methods of Practice (ed., 4th ed. 1997 & 1998 Supplement).
Employment Law, in 1-1C Washington Practice: Methods of Practice (ed., 4th ed. 1997 & 1998 Supplement).
The Limited Liability Partnership, in 1-1C Washington Practice: Methods of Practice (ed., 4th ed. 1997 & 1998 Supplement).
The Limited Liability Company, in 1-1C Washington Practice: Methods of Practice (ed., 4th ed. 1997 & 1998 Supplement).
Power of Attorney, in 1-1C Washington Practice: Methods of Practice (ed., 4th ed. 1997 & 1998 Supplement).
Selecting the Form of Business Entity, in 1-1C Washington Practice: Methods of Practice (ed., 4th ed. 1997 & 1998 Supplement).
Trial, in 1-1C Washington Practice: Methods of Practice (ed., 4th ed. 1997 & 1998 Supplement).
The Trials of Leschi, Nisqually Chief, 5 Seattle J. for Soc. Just. (forthcoming Jan/Feb 2007).
Of Driver’s Licenses and Debtor’s Prisons, 4 Seattle J. for Soc. Just. 439 (2005) (with John B. Mitchell).
A State Supreme Court in Transition, 25 Seattle U. L. Rev. 545 (2002) (with James E. Bond).
The Way We Were and What We “B”, 21 Legal Reference Services Q. 97 (2002).
What is the Standard of Review?, 6 Persp. Teaching Legal Res. & Writing 84 (1998), reprinted in Best of Perspectives 106 (2001).
Stare Decisis: Everything You Never Realized You Need to Know, 52 Washington State Bar News, Oct. 1998, at 31.
Diogenes Wanders the Superhighway: A Proposal for Authentication of Publicly Disseminated Documents on the Internet, 20 Seattle U. L. Rev. 749 (1997).
Natural Born Killers: An Argument Against Teaching Natural Language Searching, AALL Spectrum, Oct. 1996, at 16.
Dough, Re, Me: The Scale of Justice (A Descant for Entering First-Year Law Students), 87 Law Libr. J. 471 (1995).
Washington State Constitutional Research: A Recipe for a Gunwall Analysis, Washington State Bar News, Oct. 1995, at 31.
Standard of Review (State & Federal): A Primer, 18 Seattle U. L. Rev. 11 (1994).
Tip Jars at the Library Reference Desk, 86 Law Libr. J. 369 (1994).
Statutory Compilations of Washington, 12 U. Puget Sound L. Rev. 285 (1989).