In Memory of Professor Henry W. McGee
Click here for his In Memoriam webpage with remembrances from colleagues and students.
Professor Henry W. McGee led an illustrious and impactful career including serving as a county prosecutor in Chicago, litigator in a Chicago law firm, civil rights attorney in Mississippi, and regional director of the U.S. Office of Economic Opportunity Legal Services Program. He also participated in generating funding for government-aided legal assistance programs in the Midwest.
Professor McGee taught at the University of California/Los Angeles, where he was professor emeritus, and served as director of the UCLA Center for Afro-American Studies, and as director of the UCLA School of Law LL.M. program.
He won the Arthur Sutherland Public Service Award in 1990 at UCLA, and was honored by the Los Angeles City Council for accomplishments as a human rights advocate. A Fulbright Professor at the University of Madrid (Complutense) in 1982, he won a second Fulbright to the University in 2002 as senior researcher and visiting professor.
Additionally, Professor McGee visited and taught at other universities in Europe, Latin America, and South Africa. He was a Fellow of the Mexican Academy of Private International and Comparative Law.
Apart from his career in law, Professor McGee served as a board member of 1000 Friends of Washington, Futurewise Seattle, the Seattle Low Income Housing Institute, and The Breakfast Group. He also served on the Development Board of the Seattle Art Museum.
A talented violinist, Professor McGee performed with the Seattle Philharmonic Orchestra.
- Housing and Community Development (3d ed. 1999, 1981) (with others).
- Nacionales Mexicanos Afectados por Residuos Toxicos y Su Situacion Juridica Ante las Cortes Noreamericanos (Universidad de Baja California Facultad de Derecho 1994).
- Low-income Housing (California Continuing Education of the Bar 1971).
- Law, Poverty, and the Oppressed, Materials on the American Legal Process and the Poor (Columbia, NYU CLEO Institute 1969).
Book Chapters
- Civil Liability for Environmental Pollution, in Civil Liability of Professionals and Business Persons: National and International Aspects (Ramon P. Rodriguez Montero ed., Spain Netbiblo, 2006).
Book Contributions
- Environmental Law and Consumer Power in the U.S, in El Papel de Los Consumidores en la Proteccion Ambiental 139 (1996), reprinted in 9 Revista de Direito da Defensoria Publica 261 (1996).
- Thurgood Marshall, in American Heritage Encyclopedia of American History.
Articles and Book Reviews
- Washington’s Way II: Courts and Growth Management Hearing Boards in the Crucible of Enforcement of Anti-Sprawl and Critical Environmental Areas, 31 Seattle Univ. Law Rev. __ (No. 3 2008).
- Washington’s Way: Decentralized Enforcement of Growth Management Controls and the Crucial Role of NGOs, 31 Seattle Univ. Law Rev. 1 (2007).
- Seattle’s Central District, 1990—2006: Integration or Displacement? 39 The Urban Lawyer 167 (2008).
- Seattle 1990–2006: Integration or Displacement, 39 The Urban Lawyer (ABA)167( 2007).
- Desafíos Legales en la Política Estadounidense del Cambio Climático en las Cortes y en la Teoría, 13 Revista Mexicana de Derecho Ambiental 80 (2006).
- Litigating Global Warming: Substantive Law in Search of a Forum, 16 Fordham Envtl. L. Rev. 371 (2005).
- Brown: Triumph or Challenge, 3 Seattle J. Soc. Just. 13 (2005).
- Transboundary Dispute Resolution As a Process and Access to Justice for Private Litigants: Commentaries on Cesare Romano's "The Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes: A Pragmatic Approach", 20 UCLA J. Envtl. L. & Pol'y 109(2001/2002) (with Timothy W. Woolsey).
- Hacia un Regimen de Responsabilidad Civil por Dano Ambiental Transfronterizo, 71 Revista Juridica Universidad de Puerto Rico 111 (2002) (with Luz E. Ortiz Nagle).
- "Black Studies" at UCLA: Inauguration and Conflict in the Early Years, 17 UCLA Center for African American Studies Report 4 (nos. 1 and 2, 2001).
- Equity and Efficacy in Washington States's GMA Affordable Housing Goal, 3 Wash. U. J.L. & Pol'y 539 (2000).
- No Easy Walk to Freedom: Reconstitution and the Ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment, 21 Seattle U. L. Rev. 1053 (1998) (book review).
- James Edward Beaver—Beethovenist, 19 Seattle U. L. Rev. xxii (1996).
- TLC y el Control de Residuos Toxicos en la Guerra Contra la Contaminacion Transfronteriza (NAFTA and the Control of Toxic Wastes in the War Against Transborder Pollution), La Revista de Derecho Puertorrigueno de La Pontifica Universidad Catolica de Puerto Rico (Pontifical Cath. U. Puerto Rico L. Rev.) (1996).
- El Control Bilateral de Residuos Toxicos en La Guerra Contra la Contaminacion a Traves de las Fronteras, La Universidad de Las Americas (Puebla/Cholula, Mexico, 1994).
- Introduction: Mexican Perspectives on Economic, Political and Cultural Implications of Free Trade, 12 Chicano-Latino L. Rev. 1 (1992).
- Afro-American Resistance to Gentrification and the Demise of Integrationist Ideology in the United States, 23 Urb. Law. 25 (1991).
- El Procedimiento Penal y La REvolucion Sin Fin, in J. Smith, ed., DERECHO CONSTITUCIONAL COMPARADO MEXICO-ESTADOS UNIDOS, VOL. II, 587 (UNAM, 1990).
- The Deforestation of the Brazilian Amazon: Law, Politics, and International Cooperation, 21 U. Miami Inter-Am. L. Rev. 513 (1990).
- Bearing the Cross: Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference/The Dream that Will Not Die: Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Continuing American Revolution, 21 U.C. Davis L. Rev. 453 (1988) (book review).
- Counsel for the Accused: Metamorphosis in Spanish Constitutional Rights, 25 Colum. J. Transnt'l L. 253 (1987).
- Symbol and Substance in the Minority Professoriat's Future, 3 Harv. Blackletter L.J. 67(1986).
- Winners and Losers in Southern California Gentrification, in J. Dimento et al. eds., THE URBAN CAULDRON, 91 (1986).
- Self-reliance and Coalition in an Age of Reaction, 9 Black L.J. 3 (1984).
- Race, Class, and the Contradictions of Affirmative Action, 7 Black L.J. 270 (1981) (panel discussion with Alan Freeman and Derrick A. Bell).
- Gentrification and the Law: Combatting Urban Displacement, 25 Wash. U. J. Urb. & Contemp. L. 43 (1983).
- Juvenile Court Jurisdiction in Italy and Europe, 29 Am. J. Comp. L. 139 (1981).
- Historic Preservation and Displacement: Regeneration or Resegregation?, 6 UCLA CAAS Newsletter 11 (no. 1, Nov. 1981).
- Review: R. Mnookin, Child, Family and State, 66 Cal. L. Rev. 1343 (1978).
- Power (lessness) and Dispersion: Comments on Chester McGuire's The Urban Development Act of 1974, Community Development Funds and Black Economic Problems, 5 Black L.J. 39 (1976).
- Illusion and Contradiction in the Quest for a Desegregated Metropolis, 1976 U. Ill. L. F. 948 (1976).
- Review: D.R. Mandelker, Housing Subsidies in the U.S. and England, 22 UCLA L. Rev. 734 (1975).
- Blacks, Due Process and Efficiency in the Clash of Values as the Supreme Court Moves to the Right, 2 Black L.J. 220 (1972).
- The Problems and Promise of Black Men of Law, 1 Black Law Journal 28 (1971).
- Minority Students in Law School: Black Lawyers and the Struggle for Racial Justice in the American Social Order, 20 Buff. L. Rev. 423 (1971).
- Roscoe Pound's Legacy: Engineering Liberty and Order, 16 How. L.J. 19 (1970).
- Urban Renewal in the Crucible of Judicial Review, 56 Va. L. Rev. 826 (1970).
- Review: K.C. Davis, Discretionary Justice: A Preliminary Inquiry, 4 Ga. L. Rev. 633 (1970).
- Lay Advocacy and "Legal Services to Youth": Summaries on the Use of Para-legal Aides, 47 J. Urb. L. 127 (1969-70).
- Universities, Law Schools, Communities: Learning or Service or Learning and Service?, 22 J. Legal Educ. 37 (1969).
- Arrests in Civil Disturbances: Reflections on the Use of Deadly Force in Riots, 22 Rutgers L. Rev. 716 (1968).
- Juvenile Justice and the Ghetto Law Office, 60 The U. Chi. Magazine 12 (December 1967).
- Adjacent Airspace in the Law of Landlord and Tenant, VI DePaul L. Rev. 63 (1957).