Veronica is a multi-award winner and a passionate academic-advocate. Holding six academic degrees from four continents, she has researched, taught, consulted, and presented at conferences in over 30 countries. She's authored five books, several book chapters, and journal articles. In 2002, she founded Africa Awareness, a student driven initiative responsible for instituting the first and only African Studies Program at the University of British Columbia. She is the founder/editor-in-chief of the Journal of Internal Displacement; co-editor of the Migration, Displacement, and Development Book Series with Rowman and Littlefield; the co-lead of Law and Society's Collaborative Research Network (CRN-11): "Displaced Peoples"; the lead of Law and Society Association's International Research Collaborative (IRC-10): "Disrupting Patriarchy and Masculinity in Africa"; and the founder the Voice of West African Refugees in Ghana at the Buduburam Refugee Settlement in Ghana. Veronica is also the Australian National University International Alumna of the Year, 2021; the President of the International Association for the Study of Forced Migration; and a Co-Chair, Africa Interest Group, American Society of International Law. Currently, she is a Director of Flowers School of Global Health Sciences and an Assistant Professor of Legal Studies at Athabasca University. Veronica is a born and bred Indigenous Liberian war survivor.
Veronica Fynn Bruey, Systemic Violence Against Indigenous Peoples: Settler Law, Colonialism, and Nation-Building in Liberia and Australia (University of California Press, 2022 expected).
Veronica Fynn, Legal Discrepancies: Internal Displacement of Women and Children in Africa (Kusterdingen: Flowers Books, 2011).
Veronica Fynn Bruey (ed), Patriarchy and Gender in Africa (Lanham: Lexington, 2021).
Veronica Fynn Bruey and Steven Bender (eds), Deadly Voyages: Migrant Journeys Across the Globe (Lanham: Lexington Books, 2020).
Veronica Fynn (ed), Documenting the Undocumented: Redefining Refugee Status (Boca Raton: Universal Publisher, 2010).
Veronica Fynn Bruey, "Reproductive Health Rights in Liberia: The Case of (Il)Legal Abortion" in Olanike S. Adelakun and Erebi Ndoni (eds), Reproductive Health Rights, Tourism and Assisted Reproductive Technologies in Africa (Routledge, 2022 expected). Production-stage.
Veronica Fynn Bruey, "Police Brutality Against Liberian Refugees in Ghana: Assessing the Role of the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice" in Maame Efua Addadzi-Koom, Michael Addaney, and Lydia A. Nkansah (eds), Democracy, Law, and Development Under Ghana's Fourth Republic: Realities, Challenges and Prospects (Palgrave Macmillan - Springer Nature, 2022), pp353-383.
Veronica Fynn Bruey, "Africa in the Academy: History of Africa Awareness @ University of British Columbia" in Efua Cooper and Handel Wright (eds), Blacks in Vancouver. production-stage.
Heaven Crawley and Veronica Fynn Bruey, "'Hanging in the Air' The Experiences of Liberian Refugees in Ghana" in Joseph Teye (ed), Migration in West Africa: Changing Patterns and Development Impacts (IMISCOE Springer Migration Book Series, 2022), pp107-127.
Veronica Fynn Bruey, "Human Trafficking and the Law in Canada" in Elisha J. Dung and Augustine Avwunudiogba (eds), Human Trafficking: Global History and Global Perspectives (Lanham: Lexington Books, 2021), pp107-132.
Veronica Fynn Bruey, "Forced Displacement and Racism: A Global Public Health Concern" in Norvy (ed.), Displacees and Health: Issues and Challenges (Chennai: Notion Press, 2021), pp 1-66.
Veronica Fynn Bruey, "Misogyny, Xenophobia, and Masculinity in the Academy: An Epicenter of Violence, Abuse of Power, and Humiliation" in Veronica Fynn Bruey (ed.), Patriarchy and Gender in Africa (Lanham: Lexington Books, 2021), pp 195-226.
Veronica Fynn Bruey "Deadly Voyage of African Migrants Crossing the Mediterranean: AU-EU Law and Policy Response" in Veronica Fynn Bruey and Steven Bender (eds), Deadly Voyages: Migrant Journeys Across the Globe, (Lanham: Lexington Books, 2020).
Veronica Fynn Bruey, "The Liberian Public Health System" in George Klay Kieh Jr. (ed), Liberia in the Twenty-First Century: Perspectives and Issues, (Hauppauge: Nova Science Publishers, 2019), pp 207-248.
Veronica Fynn Bruey, "Indigenous Women and International Law" in Susan Harris Rimmer and Kate Ogg (eds), Research Handbook on Feminist Engagement with International Law (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2019), 499-524.
Veronica Fynn Bruey, "Maternal and Reproductive Rights - Ebola and the Law in Liberia" in David Schwartz, Julienne Anoko and Sharon Abramowitz (eds), Pregnant in the Time of Ebola: Women and Their Children in the 2013 West African Epidemic (Switzerland: Springer, 2019), pp 219-242.
Veronica Fynn Bruey, "Development-induced displacement and homelessness in Seattle, Washington" (2019) 18 Artha: Journal of Social Sciences 2, 1-25.
Fynn Bruey, Veronica; Matthews, Deanna; Maynard, Merryn; Sanders, Benjamin; Trinh, Anh-Khoi; and Verjee, Zainub; On the Edge of Affordability: Increasing Access to Affordable Housing for Low-to-Moderate Income Renters in Canada (Ottawa: Public Policy Forum/Action Canada, 2023).