Associate Professor of Lawyering Skills
Professor Janet Dickson joined the faculty on a full-time basis in 2001. Professor Dickson has served as Co-Director of the Legal Writing Program and has also served on multiple committees for LWI (the Legal Writing Institute) and ALWD (Association of Legal Writing Directors).
Since joining the faculty, Professor Dickson has presented at Legal Writing conferences regionally, nationally, and internationally. Her topics have consistently focused on reaching out to students to best prepare them for the practice of law. She has presented on topics such as enhancing students’ emotional resilience, teaching to students with ADD, effective student conferencing, teaching to millennials, classroom interaction with local nonprofits, and gender bias. Professor Dickson has also presented to international audiences in Kenya, South Africa, Turkey, Italy, and Morocco, and Czechia.
Over the past year, Professor Dickson has participated in the Global Legal Skills community and USAID's “Justice for All” program. Through this program, she lectured on a variety of topics at the National Technical University of Ukraine, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, and at Odesa State University of Internal Affairs in Ukraine.
Additionally, as the former faculty advisor to the student organization, Global Brigades, Professor Dickson accompanied groups of students to Costa Rica, Panama, and Honduras for week-long service trips. In that capacity, Professor Dickson aided the group in receiving the University’s Mission award.
She also served for six years on the Board for Legal Voice, a well-respected Pacific Northwest nonprofit organization that uses the law to better the lives of women and girls. Prior to joining the faculty, Professor Dickson practiced in the areas of estate planning and probate law at a boutique law firm, where she worked with large estates involving complicated tax issues.