Scott is a statewide advocacy counsel for Northwest Justice Project in Seattle, Washington. His work focuses on litigation support, training and leadership for all of NJP's lawyers working on the rights of low-income people to live in safe and stable housing, free from discrimination. Prior to working as an advocacy counsel, Scott helped found NJP's Medical Legal Partnership (MLP). With MLP, Scott litigated public benefit issues on behalf of Medicaid-eligible children to prevent statewide reductions in TANF, expand autism services, and prevent the institutionalization of kids with chronic health conditions. Scott also worked as a staff attorney for NJP in rural Washington and was previously a research fellow for the Institute on Race and Poverty.
Scott has been a faculty trainer for NITA's trial advocacy program and National Housing Law Project's new advocate training programs. Scott received a J.D.. cum laude, from the University of Minnesota, where he was the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Law and Inequality, and has a B.S. in Mathematics from Seattle University.