Ronald H. Clark is a nationally known lecturer and author. His books include: Pretrial Advocacy; Trial Advocacy; Opening Statement and Closing Argument; Evidence: Skills and Strategies; Cross-Examination Handbook; Jury Selection Handbook: The Nuts and Bolts of Effective Jury Selection; Visual Litigation: Visual Communication and Today's Technology; and Roadways to Justice: Reforming the Criminal Justice System.
Professor Clark is a Distinguished Practitioner in Residence at Seattle University Law School where he has taught Comprehensive Pretrial Advocacy, Comprehensive Trial Advocacy, Essential Lawyering Skills, Visual Litigation and Today's Technology, and Essential Litigation Visuals and Technology.
Professor Clark has lectured at over 40 national continuing legal education courses and for numerous bar associations and prosecutor associations across the country. He also has conducted international training for the Department of Justice and Department of State. Professor Clark has been awarded both the Distinguished Faculty Award and a Lecturer of Merit Award by the National College of District Attorneys as well as the Dean's Award of Honor. The Washington Association Prosecuting Attorneys awarded him the President's Award of Merit.
For 27 years, Professor Clark was in the King County Prosecutor's office in Seattle, Washington, where he served as a Senior Deputy Prosecutor, Assistant Chief Deputy in charge of the trial teams, and as the Chief Deputy of the Criminal Division with over a hundred lawyers.
Next, Professor Clark was the Senior Training Counsel at the National Advocacy Center in Columbia, South Carolina. Professor Clark pioneered the first courses conducted at the NAC when it opened its doors to state and local prosecutors and for the following six years. He also directed other College courses around the country, including the Executive Prosecutor Course and Successful Trial Strategies.
Professor Clark was the editor of the National College of District Attorneys magazine, The Practical Prosecutor. Also, he was the editor for the College's two published books Visuals for Today's Prosecutors and Doing Justice: Prosecutor's Guide to Ethics and Civil Liability.
Clark edited and published, The Appellate Prosecutor: A Practical and Inspirational Guide to Appellate Advocacy. He served as the Chief Author for the Criminal Trial Practice and Techniques Chapter of the Washington Practice Manual. Professor Clark also wrote Making and Meeting Objections: Evidence Handbook for Washington Trial Attorneys.
Professor Clark has written and lectured frequently on professional responsibility. He was a member of the blue-ribbon American Bar Association Task Force that formulated the current Prosecution and Defense Function Standards. Also, he was on the Public Law and Ethics Committee for the Washington State Association of Municipal Attorneys that produced a Public Law Ethics Primer.