Margaret Chon is the Donald and Lynda Horowitz Endowed Chair for the Pursuit of Justice, and formerly Associate Dean for Research at Seattle University School of Law. She is the author of numerous articles, books, book chapters, and review essays on intellectual property, as well as race and law. Her co-edited volume, THE CAMBRIDGE HANDBOOK OF PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY GOVERNANCE, AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (Cambridge University Press 2018), focuses on the relationship of global intellectual property institutions to the production of global public goods, expressed by human and sustainable development goals. An alumna of the University of Michigan (M.H.S.A. and J.D.) and Cornell University (A.B.), she clerked for both the Honorable A. Leon Higginbotham and the Honorable Dolores J. Sloviter of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. Professor Chon has been a member of the faculty at Seattle University since 1996. She is a member of the American Law Institute and the American Bar Foundation.
- Relational Innovation and the Public Benefits of Copying, 39 Berkeley Tech. L.J. 1169 (2024)
- Emotions and Intellectual Property, 54 Akron L. Rev. 529 (2021)
- Kondo-ing Steele v. Bulova: The Lanham Act's Extraterritorial Reach Via the Effects Test, 25 B. U. J. of Sci. & Tech. L. 101 (2019)
- Recasting Intellectual Property in Light of the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals: Toward Global Knowledge Governance, Am. U. Int’l L. Rev. (2019)
- Trademark Goodwill as a Public Good: Brands and Innovations in Corporate Social Responsibility, 21 LEWIS AND CLARK LAW REVIEW 277 (2017)
- Tracermarks: A Proposed Information Intervention, 53 HOUS. L. REV. 101 (2015)
- Slow Logo: Brand Citizenship in Global Value Networks, 47 UC DAVIS LAW REVIEW 935 (2014)
- Notes on a Geography of Global Intellectual Property, 6 W.I.P.O .JOURNAL 16 (2014)
- The Romantic Collective Author, 14 VAND. J. ENT & TECH. L. 829 (2012)
- Sticky Knowledge in Copyright, 2011 WIS. L. REV. 177
- Global Intellectual Property Governance (Under Construction), 12 THEORETICAL INQUIRIES IN LAW 349 (2011)
- Intellectual Property Equality, 9 SEATTLE J. SOC. JUST. (2010)
- Remembering and Repairing: Before Us, In Our Presence, 8 SEATTLE J. SOC. JUST. 643 (2010)
- Marks of Rectitude, 77 FORDHAM L. REV. 2311 (2009)
- Slouching Towards Development in International Intellectual Property, Winter 2007 MICH. ST. L. REV. 71, with Denis Borges Barbosa and Andrés Moncayo von Hase; reprinted in ANUARIO ANDINO DE DERECHOS INTELECTUALES (ANDEAN YEAERBOOK OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (Baldo Kresalja Rosselló ed., 2012)
- Intellectual Property From Below: Copyright and Capability for Education, 40 U.C. DAVIS LAW REVIEW 803 (2007); excerpted in HUMAN RIGHTS AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: MAPPING THE GLOBAL INTERFACE (Graeme Austin and Laurence Helfer, eds., Cambridge University Press 2010)
- Intellectual Property and the Development Divide, 27 CARDOZO L. REV. 2821 (April 2006)
- Walking While Muslim, 68 LAW AND CONEMPORARY PROBLEMS 215 (Spring 2005)
- Erasing Race? A Critical Race Feminist View of Internet Identity Shifting, 3 IOWA JOURNAL OF GENDER, RACE & JUSTICE 439 (Spring 2000)
- The Marketplace of Ideas in Cyberspace, 51 MERCER L. REV 859 (Spring 2000)
- Radical Plural Democracy and the Internet, 33 CAL. W. L. REV. 143 (Spring 1997)
- Chon on Chen on Chang, 81 IOWA L. REV. 1535 (April 1996)
- New Wine Bursting From Old Bottles: Collaborative Internet Art, Joint Works, and Entrepreneurship, 75 OR.L. REV. 257 (Spring 1996)
- On the Need for Asian American Narratives in Law: Ethnic Specimens, Native Informants, Storytelling and Silences, 3 UCLA PACIFIC AMERICAN LAW JOURNAL 4 (Fall 1995)
- Postmodern 'Progress': Reconsidering the Copyright and Patent Power, 43 DEPAUL L. REV. 97 (1993)
- IMPROVING INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: A GLOBAL PROJECT (co-edited with Susy Frankel, Graeme Dinwoodie, Barbara Lauriat, and Jens Schovsbo, eds., 2023)
- RACE, RIGHTS, AND NATIONAL SECURITY: LAW AND THE JAPANESE AMERICAN INCARCERATION (co-edited with Lorraine K. Bannai and Eric K. Yamamoto (Aspen 2021)).
- RACE, RIGHTS AND REPARATION: LAW AND THE JAPANESE AMERICAN INTERNMENT (2d. ed., co-authored with Eric Yamamoto, Jerry Kang, Carol Izumi and Frank Wu (Wolters Kluwer/Aspen Law & Business 2013))
- RACE, RIGHTS AND REPARATION: LAW AND THE JAPANESE AMERICAN INTERNMENT (co-authored with Eric Yamamoto, Jerry Kang, Carol Izumi and Frank Wu (Aspen Law & Business 2001))
Book Chapters, Review Essays, etc.
- The Purpose of Progress? A Response to Ned Snow’s Intellectual Property and Immorality, XI Texas A&M Journal of Property Law 101 (2025)
- “Certification Marks” and “Goodwill” in Elgar Encyclopedia of Intellectual Property Law (Paul Torremans, Irini Stamatoudi, Marco Ricolfi & Peter Yu, forthcoming 2025)
- The Peoples' Copyright, (a response to Kristelia García, The Emperor’s New Copyright), 103 Boston University Law Review 101 (2023)
- Technology, Innovation, and the Long Game, (Introductory Comments to Broadband, Social Justice, and the Future of Universal Connectivity), 14 Seattle Journal of Technology, Environmental & Innovation Law (2023)
- Brief for Three Intellectual Property Professors as Amici Curiae in Support of Neither Party, Abitron Austria GmbH v. Hetronic International, Inc., U.S. Supreme Court, No. 21-1043 (October Term 2022)
- The Indians Who Were Not Heard and the Band That Must Not Be Named (with Robert Chang), in INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND SOCIAL JUSTICE (Lateef Mtima & Steven Jamar, eds., Cambridge University Press, 2023)
- Prioritizing Intellectual Property's Freedom to Operate, in IMPROVING INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: A GLOBAL PROJECT (Susy Frankel, Margaret Chon, Graeme Dinwoodie, Barbara Lauriat, and Jens Schovsbo, eds., 2023)
- Precarity and Progress, BU LAW REVIEW Online Symposium (May 2022)
- Fire of Genius Podcast: Special Volume Ep. 2: Margaret Chon by Fire of Genius ( (December 2021)
- IP and Critical Theories , in HANDBOOK OF INTELLECTUALPROPERTY RESEARCH: LENSES, METHODS, AND PERSPECTIVES (Irene Calboli &Lillà Montagnani, eds., Oxford University Press, 2021) (open access)
- Coronavirus and Korematsu, Lawyer Magazine, Spring 2021 by Seattle University School of Law - issuu/24 (Spring 2021)
- Redress, Reparations, and the Fight for Racial Justice, Discovery Podcast Season 3 (2021)
- Comments, Proceedings of the American Society of International Law Annual Meeting 2021, Fifth Annual Detlev F. Vagts Roundtable on Transnational Law: Conceptualizing Intellectual Property as a Social Determinant of Health (2021)
- Certification and Collective Marks in the U.S., in CAMBRIDGE HANDBOOK ON INTERNATIONAL AND COMPARATIVE TRADEMARK LAW (Irene Calboli & Jane C. Ginsburg, eds.) 2020
- Intellectual Property Infringement and the Right to Say No, in the Northwestern Law Review On-line (a review essay on Anita Bernstein, THE COMMON LAW INSIDE THE FEMALE BODY, 2019)
- Trademark Goodwill and Green Global Value Networks, in INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND CLEAN ENERGY: THE PARIS AGREEMENT AND CLIMATE JUSTICE (Matthew Rimmer, ed., Springer Publishing, 2018)
- The Greatest Generational Impact: The Open Neuroscience Movement as an Emerging Knowledge Commons (with Maja Larson), in GOVERNING MEDICAL COMMONS (Brett Frischmann, Michael Madison and Katherine J. Strandburg, eds., Cambridge University Press, 2017)
- Copyright’s Other Functions: A Partial Reply to Judge McKeown, 15 CHICAGO-KENT JOURNAL OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 101 (2016)
- Leveraging Certification Marks for Public Health, in INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND HEALTH-RELATED GOODS EMERGING ISSUES, CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES FOR IP REGIMES (Alberto Alemanno and Enrico Bonadio, eds., Edward Elgar Press, 2016) (reviewed by Irene Calboli at
- An Economy of Scarcity (of Smart Information), in THE INTERNET AND THE EMERGING IMPORTANCE OF NEW FORMS OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (Susy Frankel and Daniel Gervais, eds., Wolters Kluwer, 2016)
- Slow Logo: Brand Citizenship in Global Value Networks, SAGE HANDBOOK OF IP (Matthew David and Deborah Halbert, eds., Sage Publications 2015) (simultaneous publication with UC Davis Law Review)
- Intellectual Property and Theories of Developmental Justice, in INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT: STRATEGIES TO OPTIMIZE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN A TRIPS PLUS ERA, 2nd ed. (Daniel Gervais, ed., Oxford University Press, 2014)
- Marks and More(s): Certification in Global Value Chains, in TRADEMARK PROTECTION AND TERRITORIALITY CHALLENGES IN A GLOBAL ECONOMY (Irene Calboli and Edward Lee, eds., Edward Elgar Press 2014)
- PPPs in Global IP (Public-Private Partnerships in Global Intellectual Property), Jean Monnet Center for International and Regional Economic Law and Justice (2013); reprinted in METHODS AND PERSPECTIVES IN INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (Graeme Dinwood ie, ed., Edward Elgar Press 2013)
- Derrick A. Bell, Jr.: Serving Two Masters Elegantly, 36 Seattle U. L. Rev. xii (2013)
- [Keith Aoki:] Supercolleague, 45 UC Davis L. Rev. 101 (2012)
- [Keith Aoki:] Law Professor as Artist, 90 Or. L. Rev. 1251 (2012)
- Copyright and Capability for Education: An Approach from Below in INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT: CURRENT TRENDS AND FUTURE SCENARIOS (Tzen Wong, Public Interest Intellectual Property Advisors, and Graham Dutfield, eds.,2011, Cambridge University Press)
- Crowdsourcing the Work-Family Debate: Introduction, 34 Seattle L. Rev. 649 (2011) (colloquium on Joan C. Williams, RESHAPING THE WORK-FAMILY DEBATE: WHY MEN AND CLASS MATTER)
- A Rough Guide to Global Intellectual Property Pluralismin WORKING WITHIN THE BOUNDARIES OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (Rochelle Dreyfuss, Harry First and Diane Zimmerman, eds., 2010, Oxford University Press)
- A Substantive Equality Principle Within Global Copyright, in QUESTIONS ON COPYRIGHT (Faculdade de Direitos de Campos [Brazil], ed.) (2009)
- Substantive Equality in International Intellectual Property Norm- Setting and Interpretation, in INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT: STRATEGIES TO OPTIMIZE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN A TRIPS PLUS ERA 475 (Daniel Gervais, ed., 2007, Oxford University Press)
- A Constituição do Comércio e a Jornada da Lei de Propriedade Intelectual para o Progresso. Il Seminario Internacional Patentes, Inovação e Desenvolvimento SIPID 2007 (Marcos H.C. Oliveira and Claudia I. Chamas, eds.) ABIFINA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (June 2007)
- Resurrecting Korematsu: Post 9/11 National Security Restrictions on Civil Liberties, with Eric Yamamoto (July 2003), an update to RACE, RIGHTS AND REPARATION: LAW AND THE JAPANESE AMERICAN INTERNMENT
- Book Review of DISORIENTED: ASIAN AMERICANS, LAW, AND THE NATION-STATE, 29 Amerasia Journal 267 (2003)
- Erasing Race? A Critical Race Feminist View of Internet Identity Shifting, 3 Iowa Journal of Gender, Race & Justice 439 (Spring 2000); reprinted in CYBERETHICS (Halbert and Inguili, eds. 2001); CRITICAL RACE FEMINISM: A READER 2d ed., New York University Press, Adrien Wing, ed. 2003)
- Reflections on Asian American Heritage Month(distributed by the Progressive Media Network and re-published under various titles, May 2002)
- Joint Comment on WIPO Draft Report: Intellectual Property Needs and Expectations of Traditional Knowledge Holders (with Shubha Ghosh) (Fall 2000)
- When Bias Compounds: Insuring Justice for Women of Color in the Courts, for the Washington State Supreme Court Gender and Justice and Minority and Justice Commissions (with Marilyn Berger, adapted from curriculum distributed by the National Center for State Courts) (Summer 2000)
- A Symposium Tribute to Judge A. Leon Higginbotham, Jr.: The Mentor and His Message, 33 LOY-LA L. REV. 973 (April 2000)
- Introduction: Critical Race Praxis and Legal Scholarship, 5 MICH.J.RACE & L. 35 (Fall 1999)
- Guest Co-editor, Symposium on Race, Law and Film, 5 ASIAN LAW JOURNAL 1 (May 1998)
- New Wine Bursting From Old Bottles: Collaborative Internet Art, Joint Works, and Entrepreneurship, 75 OR. L. REV. 257 (Spring 1996), reprinted in A COPYRIGHT ANTHOLOGY: THE TECHNOLOGY FRONTIER, Richard Chused, ed. (1998)
- Introduction, Internet Law Symposium, 20 Seattle U. L. Rev. 613 (Spring 1997)
- Resource Review of CYBERSPACE AND THE LAW, 5 Internet Research 91 (1995)
- 1997 Civil Rights Directory, NAPABA Civil Rights Committee Resource Book 1996, National Asian Pacific American Bar Association Civil Rights Committee (with Christopher D. Anderson and Brett C. Vinson) (November 1997)
- Bibliography, NAPABA Civil Rights Committee Resource Book 1996, National Asian Pacific American Civil Rights Committee (with Khoa Nguyen and Charles Kim) (November 1996)
- Bibliography, NAPABA Civil Rights Committee Resource Book 1995, National Asian Pacific American Bar Association Civil Rights Committee (with Sandeep Baweja and various APALSA students) (November1995)
- Analyses of various bills sponsored in the NY State Senate by Sen. Frank Padavan (with various APALSA students) (spring 1995)
- National Asian Pacific American Bar Association, Combating Anti-Asian/Pacific Islander Violence, Statutory Appendix (October 1993), 1 Syr. J. of Leg. & Policy 47 (Spring 1995)
- False Flattery Gets Us Nowhere, New York Newsday op-ed (Oct. 28, 1994); reprinted in THE BELL CURVE DEBATE: A READER (R. Jacoby and N. Glauberman, eds. (1995))
- Sex Stories: A Review of SEX AND REASON, 62 George Washington Law Review 101 (1993), reprinted in EMPLOYMENT DISCRIMINATION LAW (McDonald and Ravitch, eds., 2005)
- Statutory supplement to Anti-Asian Violence Manual, National Asian Pacific American Bar Association Civil Rights Committee (with various APALSA students) (October 1993)
- Reasons for Reasoning About Sex, The Eyes of Justice (proceedings of the Seventh Round Table on Law and Semiotics, Center for Semiotic Research in Law, Government and Economics at Penn State, R. Kevelson, ed., 1993)
- Multidimensional Lawyering and Professional Responsibility, 43 Syracuse Law Review 1137 (1992)