Cynthia F. Buhr is an Of Counsel at Skellenger Bender PS and assists clients with family formation and dissolution, with a focus on helping multi-parent, non-traditional and blended families navigate the legal system. Prior to joining Skellenger Bender PS, Cynthia was a solo/small firm attorney for over a decade. Cynthia is also a trained collaborative lawyer and mediator and participates in the King County Volunteer Settlement Conference Program.
Cynthia speaks frequently before public and professional groups about various family law topics. As a board member of the QLaw Foundation, Cynthia helped establish the QLaw Foundation LGBTQ2S+ Legal Clinic and Family Matters specialty clinic. Cynthia is a 2009 graduate of the Washington State Bar Association Leadership Institute and is a Past President and founding board member of the QLaw Association of Washington. From 2000-2023, Cynthia served as a member of the Washington State Bar Association Family Law Executive Committee (FLEC) and helped organize the 2023 Family Law Midyear Conference.
Cynthia has worked with and volunteered for numerous organizations and non-profits including the Society of Counsel Representing Accused Persons (SCRAP), King County Superior Court, QLaw Foundation of Washington, Greater Seattle Business Association (GSBA), ACLU of Washington, Out for Sustainability, King County Neighborhood Legal Clinics, Family Law CASA and the AIDS Legal Referral Panel (ALRP) of San Francisco.