The Adolf A. Berle, Jr. Center on Corporations, Law & Society

 Adolf A Berle in a high-rise buildingThe Berle Center facilitates the study of the constantly evolving American and global economic system, the ongoing struggle for power between and among corporations, governments, individuals, and society, and the role of law in mediating and shaping the nature of our economic relations and institutions.

To achieve this, the Center

  • sponsors the annual Berle Symposium on Corporations, Law and Society,
  • hosts distinguished visiting faculty,
  • and collaborates with Centers and scholars around the world to facilitate groundbreaking interdisciplinary scholarship.

For more information about the center, please email Lori Lamb.

Professor Charles R. T. O'Kelley

From the Director, Charles R. T. O'Kelley

It is a privilege to follow in Adolf A. Berle's footsteps. As did Berle, the Center focuses on the nature of the modern corporation and its impact on individuals and society. Moreover, in Berle's words, our larger goal is to "carry on the work of discovering intellectual tools and philosophic principles, in the hope of enlarging the capacity of generations yet unborn to confront conditions and dangers no dawn has yet revealed."