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Justin Gorney

Class of 2024


Fall 2021 Semester

The first semester of law school brought about many big changes for my life. I moved across the country, I started living alone for the first time, and I finally got to experience seasons other than summer. It was clear that I was no longer in Texas anymore.

Looking back at the start of law school, I went into the semester with very intimidating expectations. The nightmare stories of Reddit make it seem like you are walking into an arena every day to battle an armor-clad professor with a goal to make you seem unintelligent in front of your peers. However, I have found that this is not the case at all… even if you blackout the first few times you are cold called in class.

The biggest highlight of my first semester was the connections I made with my classmates inside and outside of the classroom. After a few weeks of adjusting to all the big changes in my life, it was great to finally turn to the people around me and understand that I was not the only one lost in this giant sea of knowledge. Between study groups, dinners, happy hours, events held by organizations on campus, and hosting Thanksgiving, my friends kept my semester lively and eventful.

After surviving my first law school finals and getting a few weeks break, the spring semester started back up in full force… even if it the first three weeks were on Zoom. It was nice to experience “online school” for a few weeks as we eased back into the swing of things due to restrictions surrounding the pandemic. However, I was really missing interacting with my close friends and getting that real classroom experience.

Once February hit and we were back in person, I have been busier than ever. With a major midterm in Civil Procedure, memo drafting, SBA general elections, and job applications all on the radar for the month, time management and multitasking have been fundamental tools for my success thus far. With all of this, I also made time to see two of my favorite artists in concert this month: Marina Diamandis and Kacey Musgraves. Pop music is a fundamental aspect of my life, so I am glad that concerts are back on the horizon. It is also nice to get out of the school mindset for a night and experience these artists and create memories with my new friends.

On top of all that, I participated in the 1L Mock Trial Competition put on by the Moot Court Board. With no litigation or courtroom experience, I really wanted to push myself out of my comfort zone. My only goal was to get through the initial round without passing out or throwing up — and I successfully did just that! It was an experience that I was terrified of, but I successfully accomplished this goal for myself!

I’m hoping for a relatively easier moth this March, but my calendar is telling me otherwise… updates to come.

March 2022

For a month with a spring break… March came at us full force.

What was on the March agenda, you ask? The list included normal classwork, real client research memos in legal writing, summer internship hunting, and application submissions for board positions in organizations.

All of that, unsurprisingly, takes up a lot of time. That is why my spring break consisted of me binge-watching television shows, cleaning my apartment top to bottom, and applying for summer internships. My tropical vacation will come soon…

Applying to summer jobs and internships has been the most difficult and frustrating process of law school thus far. Every time I felt like an application was going somewhere, I would be ghosted. I had three phone screener interviews who all said they really liked me… just to never hear from them again. I have a folder of over 40 different rejection emails since I have started applying in January… but I did not give up.

The most important component of the summer internship application process is that of tenacity. No matter how many job rejections I would get, I kept applying to more — and some days, I would get five in my inbox. I would come home from class, apply to five jobs, go to the gym, and then finish my day. It was a constant cycle. I even met with Dean Fullner to discuss this strategy during spring break. Finally, I was given an interview the next week.

The interview came and went, and I felt really confident about it. The Barristers Ball was a few days after, and it became a great distraction to let loose with my friends and peers. If you ever have any doubts about going… just go… the food alone is worth it, and you get to dress your best. I wore a diamond top and — to be frank — stole the show.

The weekend of the dance wound down and the new week started. I had learned I was invited to be on the Moot Court Board and then, the next day, I was extended an offer for the internship. Finally, after all that work… keeping at it with all those rejections coming my way… I finally checked another task off my list. And I got to see Dua Lipa when she came to Seattle on top of it all.

April can only get better! And then… finals.

April 2022

It’s strange… every time I sit down to write these, I recap the month in my head and I’m like… does law school get busier with each passing month? The answer is yes!

In April, we had two memos due in our legal writing classes. One was a real-client memo, where we worked with an actual organization in the Seattle community on various issues. This memo is a monster, so, if you are reading this, be prepared for it your second semester. You learn a lot through the process, but I don’t think I have worked that hard on a writing assignment in my life. And I have a MA in literature…

Apart from typing a lot this past month, the results of many organization elections were announced. I have been appointed Recruitment Chair for the Entertainment and Sports Law Association and Director of Communications for the Intellectual Property Society. If you are a prospective student and interested in joining these organizations, I’m sure you will be getting a lot of interaction from me in the next year! I am super excited to meet the new members of these organizations and grow these fun communities of the law.

Two more weeks and finals will be over. I cannot believe that 1L year is coming to an end. When you get here, you have no idea how fast it is going to fly by. I recommend taking advantage of every moment, really building your friendships, and just going for it. There are so many possibilities to make your first year at Seattle University a great one.

But, for now, I must get back to studying. I will see everyone on the other side.

Summer 2022

The summer between 1L and 2L was super eventful and rewarding. I had the opportunity to work for the first time in the legal field, get closer to my friends in Seattle, and enjoy a vacation to New York City before the start of the school year.

A major chunk of my summer was devoted to my internship with American Family Insurance Company. I was a part of their in-house counsel litigation team. Helping eight attorneys in Washington and Oregon, I had a tremendous amount of practice drafting various motions for pre-trial hearings, conducting research, and gaining experience in events like depositions, mediations, and arbitrations. It turns out working for an insurance company is not just car accidents either — there were many cases concerning businesses, dog bites, and more. It was interesting to see how no two cases were the same and I found myself researching a lot of unique scenarios. I really enjoyed my time working with my team and am happy to share they extended me an offer for an additional year. We wrapped the summer up with a Mariners game together — the first time many of us met each other, since we are all work-from-home.

When I was not working this summer, I was able to explore Seattle and get closer to my wonderful community of friends I have made thus far. Rooftop hangouts, concerts, going to Seattle Pride, hiking, drive-in movies, exploring wineries, and more. There is so much to do in the city of Seattle — and I am even more grateful to have a group of amazing friends with whom I was able to share my downtime and create memories.

I ended the summer by going to New York City for a little vacation with my best friend. After about two and a half years of waiting, we finally attended Lady Gaga’s concert, The Chromatica Ball. It was amazing to experience her in her hometown of New York. We were part of history, as her New York show set the record as her biggest show performed in the United States. If you know me, you know how much I love pop music, so seeing this show was the cherry on top of a fantastic summer. We wrapped up the trip by seeing Wicked and doing a few touristy sight-seeing. It was a great little refresh before 2L year begins.

I am actually really excited for this next school year. I am taking Constitutional Law, Business Entities, Legal Writing II, White Collar Crime, and Trademark Law. For the most part, I actually enjoy the assignments we have been reading. I cannot wait to get into the actual substance of law that I want to pursue and learn everything that I can. Additionally, I am excited to keep being involved on campus with Entertainment + Sports Law Association, Intellectual Property Law Society, and Moot Court Board.

It's going to be a promising semester.

November 2022

2L year is extremely busy. It’s fun, challenging, stressful, rewarding, and many more descriptors… but, above all, it is busy. This semester, I am tackling courses in constitutional law, legal writing, white collar crime, trademark law, and business entities. Most of the classes are super interesting this semester and give me a taste of what I want to work with in the future… however, I daresay I will never be an expert on the Constitution.

Legal writing has been a big focus this semester. Expanding into the territory of oral argument, I performed my first oral argument in front of my professor. As the semester ends, we are beginning to focus on our appellate brief and the oral argument that will come with it. This oral argument will be in front of a panel of members from the legal community. It’s a little more daunting… but I am hoping to really hit it out of the park.

Outside of the classroom, I have been working hard on my various executive positions. Most notably, as Membership Committee Chair of the Moot Court Board, I have created our Instagram account and started making an online presence for our organization. New member applications were just submitted. We begin interviews next week, so it will be exciting to conduct those and see fresh, eager faces in the organization.

In October, the Black Law Student Association (BLSA) and the Womxn of Color Coalition (WOCC) hosted the annual Halloween Bash at Sole Repair. It was great to see so many of my friends outside of school and letting loose for Halloween. I am very humbled to say that I won “Best Costume” at the event for my take on a Despicable Me minion.

Lastly, a reminder to get your booster and/or flu shot! I, unfortunately, was exposed to Covid this past week and had a pretty bad reaction to it for a few days. However, I am not up and moving as I get back on track for the semester! If it isn’t one thing… it’s another… like I said, 2L year is extremely busy.

Spring 2023

The spring semester started off very quickly. I do believe law school gets easier as you continue through it; however, it does get busier depending on the level of involvement you want to get within the community.

Due to my hard work last semester in legal writing, I was fortunate enough to qualify to compete in the 2023 Frederic C. Tausend Moot Court Competition. This competition is the chance to argue your appellate brief that you write during your semester of Legal Writing II against other students on campus in front of real judges. I set a goal for myself last semester that I would try very hard to make it into this esteemed competition, so it was a very thrilling experience. I will not lie — despite being an involved member of the Moot Court Board — I often get intimidated and nervous in a courtroom environment. I got the chance to argue for both sides in the preliminary rounds of the competition. Unfortunately, I did not make it past the preliminary rounds, but it was a valuable learning experience.

Additionally, I was a competition administrator with my friend Jeff for our Moot Court Board 1L Mock Trial. Jeff and I got to lead this competition committee with our In-House Competition Chair and put on a mock trial for all of the interested 1Ls to compete in. The 1L students picked a partner, coached two witnesses, and competed against each other to demonstrate their skills inside the courtroom. We had 19 teams compete against each other, so it was really great to see 38 new students take an interest in the litigation and MCB. As I told them all, it is not about where you place, but really putting yourself out there and gaining that hands-on learning experience.

Outside of these events, classes have been going well and I strive for having fun outside of my busy school life. As I have written about before, I am a huge pop music and concert fan. Last month, my best friend Lauren and I saw Slayyyter + Tove Lo on tour and it was a phenomenal show. I have more shows on the horizon next month, including Aly & AJ and Taylor Swift. Now that we are on spring break and about to be jolted into summer, I cannot wait for all the pop music and sun that is coming my way.

Until next time,

Justin Gorney

April 2023

Spring semester of 2L year has been the busiest time of my law school career thus far. On top of learning new material, end-of-year events and studying for finals begins to take over our already-filled schedules. Though it has been very busy, it has also been the most rewarding time here at Seattle University School of Law.

We recently had our Moot Court Board end-of-the-year banquet. It is my favorite event of the year because we are not putting on a competition — we are having a great dinner with our friends, members, and faculty who help make our events a success every year. We had amazing speakers, passed out awards, and took a trip down memory lane about what we all had accomplished as a group this year. I am so grateful for this organization and am honored to say I walked away with the Golden Gavel Award for Excellent Service and the Chair Award for Distinguished Work. It was a really fantastic way to end the night. For me, it really is not about the awards, but it is the ability that we recognize each other for what we do within this amazing group.

On the following day after our banquet, we held elections for the next Executive Board for the 2023-2024 academic year. I am so proud to share that I was elected Vice Chair. This is a position that I really wanted and worked hard for over the past year. It was a full circle moment for me. As a 1L, I had no idea what Moot Court Board even was. I participated in the 1L Mock Trial with my best friend and thought I was going to pass out in the courtroom. Now, I will be running our meetings. I am so lucky to also have some of my law school friends on the Executive Board with me: Sarah Wood (Chair), Jeff Cohen (Treasurer), and Tiana Pereira (Secretary) — among others. I think this is going to be a fantastic team and I highly encourage you to reach out if you have any questions or are interested in Moot Court!

As finals season is in full swing, I am excited to knock these tests out of the park and start my internship for the summer. I am lucky enough to be returning to the internship I worked last summer. I will be a Rule 9 In-House Litigation intern with American Family Insurance Enterprise. On top of all the writing and research I have been doing for them throughout the year, I am going to get some courtroom experience and help my supervising attorneys take depositions. I love expanding my skills, so I am looking forward to what this hands-on experience teaches me to put in my toolbox.

Outside of that, I have so many fun plans for the summer. I have so many pop concerts lined up: Caroline Polachek, Bebe Rexha, Ava Max, Taylor Swift, Slayyyter, Beyonce, and more. I am also taking a roadtrip in August with my best friend to attend the music festival Outside Lands. There is a lot to look forward to in the coming months and I am excited for the wonderful Seattle weather now that we are out of the rainy season.

Until next time!

Summer 2023

Summer between 2L and 3L year was the busiest summer of my life—filled with professional opportunity and personal fun. I had the wonderful opportunity to continue work as a Rule 9 Intern with American Family Insurance Company. With the help of my lead attorney, I had the opportunity to lead depositions and get hands-on action outside of the research and writing I provide in my role. I prepared to argue a motion to dismiss in trial court; however, the other party agreed to settle. My boss was excited about this result and praised the strength of my motions in scaring the other party. There will always be another time to argue in court and I hope to get the opportunity as I continue to work this internship in my final year.

Outside of working, I had an amazing summer of fun. I jumpstarted the summer with the celebration of my birthday. I am a big fan of concerts and saw a number of artists over the past few months. I saw Caroline Polachek, one of my favorite artists of all time, twice and gained a new appreciation for her music. Additionally, I saw Bebe Rexha and Slayyyter. The biggest concert event I went to was Taylor Swift’s The Eras Tour. My best friend Katy flew in from Texas and we went to both nights here in Seattle. It was such an incredible show, and we are planning to catch the show again in Vienna next year during by post-bar trip. Finally, I closed out the summer by traveling to San Francisco to attend Outside Lands Music Festival. I saw so many incredible artists: Lana Del Rey, Zedd, Willow, Ethel Cain, Megan Thee Stallion, Conan Grey, and Odesza. Music is my life and it was such an incredible summer being able to enjoy live music from all of these talented artists in my downtime from work.

Rumor has it that 3L is the “chilliest” year. I think that may be the case if you are not super involved and active outside of classes. I was busy with school even before the semester began. As Vice Chair of the Moot Court Board, I worked on our social and competition calendar for the semester as well as organized all the committees in which our members are a part of. You don’t really know what you are taking on in these leadership roles until you actually start acting in the role. I have already learned so much on efficiency and communication as Vice Chair. I am looking forward to what else comes along for the Moot Court Board.

As we enter the third week of classes, I find the semester getting a little bit less crazy. The first two weeks I felt as if I was thrown into the middle of the ocean. Now, I am on a lifeboat and making my way towards safety. My classes (labor law, trusts and estates, privately-owned businesses, and internet law) are starting to not feel so overwhelming and the information is starting to click. I was actually the very first person cold-called in my trust and estates class this semester. It really isn’t that scary when you are in your final year... you learn how to roll with the punches and what answers to give to the professors as time goes on. I am actually really excited about what these classes are going to teach me in the forthcoming weeks. Check back in next time to see if that continues to be the case.

Fall 2023

I can’t help but feel excitement as today marks the end of a challenging yet fulfilling semester.  It seems like, as time has gone on in law school, each of my semesters have gotten busier and busier. And I would not want it any other way. As I reflect on this past semester, I think about the highs, lows, and knowledge that I have experienced.

I completed my first semester as Vice Chair for the Moot Court Board. The Moot Court Board successfully held three competitions for our student body and had an amazing application season for 1Ls and 2Ls. Membership cycle, interviews, and getting to know our applicants more are my favorite aspects of this position. I have loved this position and helping run this organization with one of my great friends, Sarah Wood. I am looking forward to finishing off my law school career in this role in the spring.

I took four classes this semester: labor law, internet law, trusts and estates, and privately owned businesses. Each of these brought new knowledge and different perspectives into what I know about the law. Internet law was probably my favorite class this semester because I find myself engrossed and fascinated with the broad topics it covers. Similarly, I enjoyed the nuance that my business class provided me concerning cases. The other two classes, while interesting, I have really had a hard time with keeping my interest in them alive. I think there are topics within them that are fascinating and important; however, I do not see myself practicing in labor or trusts and estates in the future. Sometimes it is important to take classes in different subjects in law school so you can get a taste of it and know that you would not want to work in that field of law.

Though this semester was my busiest, it brought about a lot of fun and personal connections. I have gotten so close with friends, both new and old. I have traveled to New York, Pennsylvania, and Texas during some downtime. I enjoyed my favorite artists and spent time going to concerts—my favorite activity to do. I kept myself happy and healthy while enduring this semester, something I believe to be very important.

After finals conclude these next two weeks, I am looking forward to resting and recharging back in Texas for winter break before my final semester. It’s hard to believe that there is only one more semester in my law school journey ahead of me. I am a sentimental person, so I know next semester is going to be a rollercoaster of emotions for me. I complete law school, graduate, move back to Texas, and turn 30 all within the same month. I am super grateful for this experience and everything that is on the horizon.

March 2024

The spring semester is in full swing, and time seems to be making fools of us all. It's almost surreal how quickly these last few months of law school are passing by. One moment, I'm stepping into the classroom for the first time, and the next, I'm grappling with the reality of entering the legal profession.

Outside of the whirlwind of classes, assignments, and helping run Moot Court Board, there were a couple significant moments that stood out recently for me in this final semester. First, I was named as one of the 25 “Students Who Soar” here at Seattle University School of Law. This is such an honor to me as I close out my time here. I really take pride in contributing to campus and our community these past three years. Second, this past week, I went to Texas for a job interview for a national consulting firm. The anticipation leading up to it was nerve-wracking, but as soon as I stepped into the room, I felt a sense of calm wash over me and just be myself. I really got to know the ins and outs of the job and really got to know the team I could potentially be working with in the future. Walking out of that interview, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. And I am super excited to share that they have offered me a final interview next month!

On a personal fun note, the music concert season started for me a few weeks ago. I got to see Madonna live for the first time. I really respect her status as an icon and what she did for pop music... my favorite pop stars would not be here today without her impact. Additionally, I got to see the Swedish DJ Cobrah and party with Dorian Electra at an afterparty last weekend. I really live by the motto “work hard, play harder” while I am in law school.

As I reflect on this semester and the journey that has brought me to this point, I can't help but feel a sense of gratitude and anticipation for the months to come. These last few months before graduation hold the promise of new beginnings and exciting opportunities. Additionally, I am going to Disneyland in April, so that will be fun! I have been in school for almost 27 years at this point... this JD will be my third degree. Though it will be bittersweet to leave Seattle and move to Texas, I am so ready to be in the real world and have a life outside of school.

As I look forward to the road ahead, I'm reminded to cherish every moment, to savor the remaining days of law school, and to embrace the challenges and opportunities that come my way. Because before I know it, graduation day will be upon me, marking the end of one chapter and the beginning of another.

May 2024

April 24 was my final day of law school. It’s crazy to think that three years have gone by so quickly and graduation is just mere weeks away. These past three years have really changed me. Before starting this journey, my friends who pursued law school before me told me this was going to be an experience that breaks you down and rebuilds you. After a conversation I had with Dean Coleman, I have found that I like to reframe this to say that my three years at Seattle University have built me into the version of myself with the fullest potential.

At the end of March, I was flown out to Houston, Texas, for a final interview with alliantgroup, a business/tax consulting firm. I felt very confident going into the interview. After about three hours, I left the building with the same confidence. The next day, they called me and offered me the position and I have since accepted that offer. I am so excited to have a job lined up before graduation. I am equally excited to be moving back to Houston, Texas, as my closest friends and family are there.

These last few weeks are all about wrapping up loose ends and bittersweet endings. I have completed my final shift as an Admission Ambassador. I also wrapped up my leadership with the Moot Court Board. As Vice Chair, I really took charge of membership and our end-of-the-year banquet. Since we wrapped those up a couple weeks ago and had elections for the next Executive Board, my time with Moot Court Board has come to a close.

There are only a few more weeks until graduation. Then, the next day, I am road-tripping to Texas. I am ready to give my bar studies everything in me. This is the end of an era and I am ready for the next chapter.