Coming into law school, I was so intimidated because all I knew was that it was supposed to be a cut-throat environment and foster a competitive atmosphere. However, I quickly learned that this was not the case here. The first semester of law school was a whirlwind. I survived being cold called on, I made connections with my classmates both in and outside of the classroom setting, and I have met 2Ls and 3Ls who are always willing to share their experience and advice.
The reason I wanted to go to law school was because I wanted to make valuable social change and help advocate and uplift vulnerable communities. The first semester of law school has helped show me how my personal interests and values can be implemented into the legal profession. As you will learn, it is all about networking, networking, and networking.
Although the adjustment to law school was challenging and it took a while to get into the groove of things, I felt that I could lean on my classmates and my professors for help, support, and even validation at times when imposter syndrome started to take over. My biggest highlight from law school so far was learning how to build connections. I knew law school was going to be hard, so it was important for me to surround myself with a supportive community.
Another goal of mine was to integrate myself into the Seattle University School of Law community. I am an Access to Justice Institute first year fellow, which has helped me connect with more students and lawyers who have similar interests as me. I also try to stay active in several different student organizations to continue to build relationship with my peers. There has been a lot of things to juggle during my first semester, but I am getting more comfortable in the fast-paced environment, and I cannot wait to see what the spring semester brings
But before I can even start daydreaming about the spring semester, I must get through my upcoming finals. Over fall break, I was able to go back to Colorado and visit with family and friends (and I got to see my dogs — best therapy ever). It was a nice and re-energizing break before I bury myself in my notes for the next three weeks. More to come once I make it out on the other side!
I cannot believe that is already March. People were not kidding when they said that your second semester would be busy. Entering the second semester has not been as chaotic as the first semester because I feel like I have gotten more of my routine down. I have started to gain some solid study habits and I have a better understanding of what the professors are looking for. However, the months and work still come at you in full force. During the spring semester, the hunt for summer internships is on. Honestly, this has been one of the hardest parts of this semester because I have been faced with rejection, but also with opportunities and learning experiences. Nonetheless, this part is hard on everyone and takes a lot of time and energy. Luckily, I spent a part of my winter break prepping my applications, which has made it easier to balance applications with schoolwork.
Also, during the spring semester, Moot Court and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) organizations held their 1L competitions. I decided to push myself outside of my comfort zone (really far outside my comfort zone) and participate in the 1L ADR competition. I learned a lot and I shocked myself at how much I enjoyed it. This provided 1Ls with a low-stakes environment to see what these competitions entail. Coming up, I am a witness for one of my friends who is competing in the 1L Moot Court competition, so I am excited to experience that too.
As I look at my schedule for the month of March and beyond, it seems to be all filled up already, and then before I know it, it will be finals. However, let's not get too ahead of ourselves. First, our spring break is coming up, which will be a nice reset to organize my notes and outlines, work on applications, and to be able to relax. I am able to go back to Colorado for a few days to visit my family, and more importantly my dogs. We also have the Barristers Ball after we get back from the break which will serve as a great distraction and hang out with friends, peers, and the otters (it is being held at the Seattle Aquarium!) I am excited to experience my first Barristers Ball, but also nervous because this is a celebration of the end of the academic year, which means that the academic year is almost over.
This semester definitely has its ups and downs, presenting me with new challenges (whether I like it or not). However, I also noticed that I have grown a lot since my fall semester, so I am trying to stay open to new experiences and continue to put myself out there. Although I do not have my summer plans figured out yet and have been met with a lot of disappointment, I will continue to push on and learn from each experience. More updates to come!
I cannot believe that my 1L year will be over in just two weeks and what a year it has been! April has been a busy month because you are not only wrapping up your first year, but also you are gearing up for your summer position, and law school organization's election results are being announced for the next year. This summer I am one of the Calhoun Fellows. I am excited to collaborate on advocacy projects and be exposed to community leaders and legal experts to explore systematic racism alongside the other fellows. I am also looking forward to learning outside the classroom for a few months. Also, I have become a Seattle University’s Law Review Journal member, so I am excited to start that journey next year! But I am getting too ahead of myself. First, I must make it through finals and finish out my 1L year.
For legal writing class, not only did we have a big collaborative memo due this month, but we also just had our final which was a timed memo. It was an intimidating task where we had to write a legal memo in under two hours, however, it also showed how much we have all grown since our very first memo assignment. All the activities and writing assignments paid off as some things in legal writing are becoming second nature to me.
I only have three finals this semester instead of four, which has made a big difference. But the process of studying is still overwhelming and exhausting, and I heard that is something that never gets easier. However, reflecting and being proud of how far I have come and how much I have learned is important. Plus, I found that surrounding myself with supportive friends and 2Ls who were in my position a year ago helps push me forward. Also, something that keeps me motivated is that there are only three finals that stand between me and the summer!
I am finishing the first week of 2L, and assignments are already hitting me in full force! The first week of school is always overwhelming and it has been a bit of an adjustment, but it is also exciting to be able to start exploring classes that cater to my specific interest in law. But it is nice to get back into my school routines and it is exciting to see all the eager 1Ls join and settle into the new life as law students. This week I was also able to catch up with my friends as we traded summer internship stories.
This summer I had the amazing opportunity as a Calhoun Family Fellow. I was able to travel to Montgomery, Alabama, and visit the Legacy Museum and the National Memorial for Peace and Justice. I felt that this trip was critical for anyone who is entering the legal field because it gives you a deeper understanding of our history and the importance of your role in promoting racial and social justice.
This fellowship also gave me an opportunity to meet with Justices, judges, lawyers, advocacy groups, and community leaders. The diversity of speakers helped illuminate both the upstream and downstream issues and solutions and the importance of bridging the gap between the legal system and the community. I felt that this fellowship was able to expose me to all different aspects of the criminal system including trial and appellate work, and what it is like to be a judge.
My summer passed by quickly, and before I knew it, I had to start the hunt for my 2L summer internship and adjust to my new class schedule. But I am entering this year excited to continue to explore different legal topics, meet new people, and engage with the organizations I am part of. It is going to be a busy semester!
This semester went by quickly, and before I knew it, I am heading into finals week. At the start of this semester, we hit the ground running and now I can see the finish line. This semester I took Privacy Law, Constitutional Law I, Evidence, Advanced Legal Research, and Legal Writing II. Legal Writing this semester pushed me out of my comfort zone but also built my confidence, especially with trial advocacy. I performed my first oral argument in front of a panel of members from the legal community. I never saw myself in trial litigation work, but Legal Writing has helped build both my confidence and interest in that work.
Outside of the classroom I have been busy with Law Review edits and OutLaws events. For Law Review we conducted out first edit assignments for the Berle issue. The Berle piece was quite daunting because professors are the ones choosing the article, and it is about corporate law, an area in which I have no knowledge. However, I learned a lot about editing! I have also been drafting my own comment piece where I am analyzing the new Seattle Drug Ordinance. It is still very much in its drafting stage and my main idea is shifting, but that is a winter break activity. For OutLaws, this semester we held a LGBTA+ Networking Panel and Mixer, which was a great success! Finally, this fall I was offered a membership position on the Alternative Dispute Resolution Board. As you can see, this semester was filled with a lot of writing and networking! But do not worry, I also made sure to prioritize having a work-life balance, and I was able to spend a lot of quality time with friends outside of the classroom.
Now it is time to tackle finals. It is hard to believe that I am almost halfway through! I just have three finals standing in between me and being able to go home to the snow in Colorado. Time to get back to memorizing outlines and doing practice problems!
I cannot believe it is already March, but I am officially “over the hump” and more than halfway done with law school! This spring semester I have decided to take a “lighter” load and I’m taking Constitutional Law II, Race and Law, Health Law, and Professional Responsibility (PR). All these classes have been interesting and engaging. Professional Responsibility is specifically helping me prepare for the Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE), which is required for admission to the State bars. The MPRE is usually administered three times throughout the year, so there is a lot of flexibility when students choose to take the MPRE and the PR class. I am registered to take it in March, so fingers crossed that everything goes well!
On top of classes, I have also been trying to place myself in more leadership/mentorship positions. The Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Board recently hosted their 1L competition and I was a room monitor, which was a big full-circle moment for me. I remember last year being across the table very nervous and not knowing what to expect, so it was great to be on the other side and encourage the new 1Ls through the process. I have also been assisting with current ADR new member interviews, and it has been exciting to engage with eager 1Ls and listen to the change they want to implement in ADR. Since I experienced a lot of great mentorships when I was a 1L with 2Ls and 3Ls, I am eager that I can continue to pass that mentorship relationship down (now that I have some sense of how to navigate law school).
This semester has been very busy, so I am excited for our Spring Break that is coming up in a few weeks. Also, the sun has been peeking out a lot more these past few days, so hopefully that stays, although currently, it is supposed to snow tonight. I am looking forward to seeing what the rest of the semester brings!
And just like that, I am one week away from finals and at the end of my 2L year. This year was a whirlwind, and it came with a lot of growth. Since I last wrote, I finished the MPRE and I also became the Executive Editor of Notes and Comments for Seattle University Law Review! I am super excited to take on this role because it will provide me an opportunity to work directly with incoming 2Ls to write their Note or Comments. Notes/Comments provide an opportunity for all 2L members to write about their own passions within the law. I believe that Notes and Comments can become a critical way to implement change because it is written by students who aspire to bring in their vision and change. I am so excited to push my leadership skills and mentorship next year! If you told my 1L year self that not only would I get on Law Review, but I would also be able to serve as an executive editor, I would not believe you. I never thought I would take on this type of leadership role, but throughout my two years of law school, I have been able to continue to push myself out of my comfort zone and grow more confident in myself.
Speaking of pushing myself out of my comfort zone, this summer I have been named one of the Washington State Association for Justice Fellows. This fellowship provides an opportunity to gain plaintiff-side litigation experience for two different firms. Again, if you told my 1L self (or even my pre-law school self) that I would be spending a summer focused on trial litigation, I would not believe you. I never thought that litigation was for me because I am not the loudest in the room. However, throughout my experience here, I was able to see that I did not have to be the loudest to be a good advocate.
But before I start to think about my summer, I still need to get through my finals. I only have two in-person finals (Constitutional Law and Professional Responsibilities) and then I have a take-home exam for Health Law, and finally a research paper for Race and Law. So, I must get back to outlining as I only have two more weeks of hard work until my 2L year is officially over!
I just finished my first week back, and I cannot believe that I am finally a 3L! During orientation, when I was helping out, it made me reflect on my own experience here at law school since I was a scared 1L. I have come a long way, and I have slowly grown my community, my confidence, and my sense of belonging. But before I get too sentimental, I still have to make it through my 3L year!
Over the summer, I was a Washington State Association for Justice 2024 fellow. This fellowship introduced me to the world of trial litigation, specifically plaintiff-side litigation. It was a split mentorship program, meaning I spent my first six weeks at Ruiz & Smart and then my last six weeks at CMG Law. Ruiz & Smart is a firm that focuses on bad-faith insurance claims, which entails suing insurance companies for denying benefits, committing bad faith, or violating the Insurance Fair Conduct Act. CMG Law solely focuses on medical malpractice claims. I learned a lot about trial litigation while also helping advocate for vulnerable communities against large institutions. It was a valuable mentorship experience where I was able to sit in on depositions, help draft motions, and network with practicing lawyers who are doing the work that aligns with the “why” I came to law school in the first place. This fellowship also introduced me to the world of litigation, because before that I was intimidated and scared by litigation. But I learned a lot of valuable lessons and advice.
Overall, it was a great summer experience. Now, I am excited to start my third and final year of law school!
As I am writing, we are currently heading into Week 10 (out of 15). This fall has gone by very fast. Mainly as a 3L, I have been busy with my part-time internship where I am still picking up research projects for the firm that I worked with over the summer. I have also had my hands full with Law Review. It has been exciting to mentor the current 2Ls as they find what they want to write about for their Note or Comment. We are about to start executive edits for our Berle edition. The Berle edition can be quite a daunting experience because it is our 2Ls first time editing, and the pieces they are editing are more catered to corporate law topics. There were many bumps in the road regarding editing this issue, but our team was able to adapt and be flexible.
Putting Law Review aside, I have also had a busy couple of weeks for my classes as we just had our midterms. As scary as midterms are, it is also a good check-in point with yourself and where you are at in terms of the content for the class. It also provides a good opportunity to gain feedback from professors. This year, my midterms was a mix of a take-home exam, an in-person timed exam, a moot court exercise, and a paper draft. In other words, last week was chaotic and there was a lot to juggle, and I am glad to be on the other side of that!
As the clouds and rain start to roll into Seattle, I am starting to hunker down and prepare my outlines for my classes and gear up for finals that are quickly approaching. But I am also excited that over fall break I will be visiting my family in California, so hopefully I get to soak up some sun before completely going into finals mode.
We just finished up our final week of classes for the fall semester and I cannot believe how fast this semester passed. Luckily, as a 3L, I have noticed that my academic schedule has not been as hectic as previous years. This means that I only have one in-person final for my administrative law class. The rest of my classes (bioethics in the law, Food and Drug Administration seminar, conflicts of law, and family law) are either take-home tests or papers. I have spent the past few weeks preparing my outlines, meeting with my classmates, and with my professors. I will always be grateful for how the Seattle University Law School community comes together and collaborates with one another so we can all succeed.
Overall, 3L has been filled with less class work, and more networking, researching, and mentoring. Recently there was the National Asian Pacific American Bar Association 2024 convention right here in Seattle. It was inspiring to meet so many attorneys, and I got to network specifically with the Asian American Adoptee group. I have also enjoyed applying the skills I have learned over the past two years for my part-time internship with the medical malpractice firm. Finally, I have experienced several full-circle moments that have helped me reflect on how far I have come since entering SU Law. I have had the privilege to work with current 2Ls and help them develop their own Note/Comment for law review and help mentor some students through the application process of my previous summer job as a Washington State Association for Justice fellow. It has also been rewarding to talk to prospective students and share my journey with them.
I cannot reminisce too much because I still have finals to get through and a whole entire spring semester. It is time to get back to writing and outlining!
Coming into law school, I was so intimidated because all I knew was that it was supposed to be a cut-throat environment and foster a competitive atmosphere. However, I quickly learned that this was not the case here. The first semester of law school was a whirlwind. I survived being cold called on, I made connections with my classmates both in and outside of the classroom setting, and I have met 2Ls and 3Ls who are always willing to share their experience and advice.
The reason I wanted to go to law school was because I wanted to make valuable social change and help advocate and uplift vulnerable communities. The first semester of law school has helped show me how my personal interests and values can be implemented into the legal profession. As you will learn, it is all about networking, networking, and networking.
Although the adjustment to law school was challenging and it took a while to get into the groove of things, I felt that I could lean on my classmates and my professors for help, support, and even validation at times when imposter syndrome started to take over. My biggest highlight from law school so far was learning how to build connections. I knew law school was going to be hard, so it was important for me to surround myself with a supportive community.
Another goal of mine was to integrate myself into the Seattle University School of Law community. I am an Access to Justice Institute first year fellow, which has helped me connect with more students and lawyers who have similar interests as me. I also try to stay active in several different student organizations to continue to build relationship with my peers. There has been a lot of things to juggle during my first semester, but I am getting more comfortable in the fast-paced environment, and I cannot wait to see what the spring semester brings
But before I can even start daydreaming about the spring semester, I must get through my upcoming finals. Over fall break, I was able to go back to Colorado and visit with family and friends (and I got to see my dogs — best therapy ever). It was a nice and re-energizing break before I bury myself in my notes for the next three weeks. More to come once I make it out on the other side!
I cannot believe that is already March. People were not kidding when they said that your second semester would be busy. Entering the second semester has not been as chaotic as the first semester because I feel like I have gotten more of my routine down. I have started to gain some solid study habits and I have a better understanding of what the professors are looking for. However, the months and work still come at you in full force. During the spring semester, the hunt for summer internships is on. Honestly, this has been one of the hardest parts of this semester because I have been faced with rejection, but also with opportunities and learning experiences. Nonetheless, this part is hard on everyone and takes a lot of time and energy. Luckily, I spent a part of my winter break prepping my applications, which has made it easier to balance applications with schoolwork.
Also, during the spring semester, Moot Court and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) organizations held their 1L competitions. I decided to push myself outside of my comfort zone (really far outside my comfort zone) and participate in the 1L ADR competition. I learned a lot and I shocked myself at how much I enjoyed it. This provided 1Ls with a low-stakes environment to see what these competitions entail. Coming up, I am a witness for one of my friends who is competing in the 1L Moot Court competition, so I am excited to experience that too.
As I look at my schedule for the month of March and beyond, it seems to be all filled up already, and then before I know it, it will be finals. However, let's not get too ahead of ourselves. First, our spring break is coming up, which will be a nice reset to organize my notes and outlines, work on applications, and to be able to relax. I am able to go back to Colorado for a few days to visit my family, and more importantly my dogs. We also have the Barristers Ball after we get back from the break which will serve as a great distraction and hang out with friends, peers, and the otters (it is being held at the Seattle Aquarium!) I am excited to experience my first Barristers Ball, but also nervous because this is a celebration of the end of the academic year, which means that the academic year is almost over.
This semester definitely has its ups and downs, presenting me with new challenges (whether I like it or not). However, I also noticed that I have grown a lot since my fall semester, so I am trying to stay open to new experiences and continue to put myself out there. Although I do not have my summer plans figured out yet and have been met with a lot of disappointment, I will continue to push on and learn from each experience. More updates to come!
I cannot believe that my 1L year will be over in just two weeks and what a year it has been! April has been a busy month because you are not only wrapping up your first year, but also you are gearing up for your summer position, and law school organization's election results are being announced for the next year. This summer I am one of the Calhoun Fellows. I am excited to collaborate on advocacy projects and be exposed to community leaders and legal experts to explore systematic racism alongside the other fellows. I am also looking forward to learning outside the classroom for a few months. Also, I have become a Seattle University’s Law Review Journal member, so I am excited to start that journey next year! But I am getting too ahead of myself. First, I must make it through finals and finish out my 1L year.
For legal writing class, not only did we have a big collaborative memo due this month, but we also just had our final which was a timed memo. It was an intimidating task where we had to write a legal memo in under two hours, however, it also showed how much we have all grown since our very first memo assignment. All the activities and writing assignments paid off as some things in legal writing are becoming second nature to me.
I only have three finals this semester instead of four, which has made a big difference. But the process of studying is still overwhelming and exhausting, and I heard that is something that never gets easier. However, reflecting and being proud of how far I have come and how much I have learned is important. Plus, I found that surrounding myself with supportive friends and 2Ls who were in my position a year ago helps push me forward. Also, something that keeps me motivated is that there are only three finals that stand between me and the summer!
I am finishing the first week of 2L, and assignments are already hitting me in full force! The first week of school is always overwhelming and it has been a bit of an adjustment, but it is also exciting to be able to start exploring classes that cater to my specific interest in law. But it is nice to get back into my school routines and it is exciting to see all the eager 1Ls join and settle into the new life as law students. This week I was also able to catch up with my friends as we traded summer internship stories.
This summer I had the amazing opportunity as a Calhoun Family Fellow. I was able to travel to Montgomery, Alabama, and visit the Legacy Museum and the National Memorial for Peace and Justice. I felt that this trip was critical for anyone who is entering the legal field because it gives you a deeper understanding of our history and the importance of your role in promoting racial and social justice.
This fellowship also gave me an opportunity to meet with Justices, judges, lawyers, advocacy groups, and community leaders. The diversity of speakers helped illuminate both the upstream and downstream issues and solutions and the importance of bridging the gap between the legal system and the community. I felt that this fellowship was able to expose me to all different aspects of the criminal system including trial and appellate work, and what it is like to be a judge.
My summer passed by quickly, and before I knew it, I had to start the hunt for my 2L summer internship and adjust to my new class schedule. But I am entering this year excited to continue to explore different legal topics, meet new people, and engage with the organizations I am part of. It is going to be a busy semester!
This semester went by quickly, and before I knew it, I am heading into finals week. At the start of this semester, we hit the ground running and now I can see the finish line. This semester I took Privacy Law, Constitutional Law I, Evidence, Advanced Legal Research, and Legal Writing II. Legal Writing this semester pushed me out of my comfort zone but also built my confidence, especially with trial advocacy. I performed my first oral argument in front of a panel of members from the legal community. I never saw myself in trial litigation work, but Legal Writing has helped build both my confidence and interest in that work.
Outside of the classroom I have been busy with Law Review edits and OutLaws events. For Law Review we conducted out first edit assignments for the Berle issue. The Berle piece was quite daunting because professors are the ones choosing the article, and it is about corporate law, an area in which I have no knowledge. However, I learned a lot about editing! I have also been drafting my own comment piece where I am analyzing the new Seattle Drug Ordinance. It is still very much in its drafting stage and my main idea is shifting, but that is a winter break activity. For OutLaws, this semester we held a LGBTA+ Networking Panel and Mixer, which was a great success! Finally, this fall I was offered a membership position on the Alternative Dispute Resolution Board. As you can see, this semester was filled with a lot of writing and networking! But do not worry, I also made sure to prioritize having a work-life balance, and I was able to spend a lot of quality time with friends outside of the classroom.
Now it is time to tackle finals. It is hard to believe that I am almost halfway through! I just have three finals standing in between me and being able to go home to the snow in Colorado. Time to get back to memorizing outlines and doing practice problems!
I cannot believe it is already March, but I am officially “over the hump” and more than halfway done with law school! This spring semester I have decided to take a “lighter” load and I’m taking Constitutional Law II, Race and Law, Health Law, and Professional Responsibility (PR). All these classes have been interesting and engaging. Professional Responsibility is specifically helping me prepare for the Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE), which is required for admission to the State bars. The MPRE is usually administered three times throughout the year, so there is a lot of flexibility when students choose to take the MPRE and the PR class. I am registered to take it in March, so fingers crossed that everything goes well!
On top of classes, I have also been trying to place myself in more leadership/mentorship positions. The Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Board recently hosted their 1L competition and I was a room monitor, which was a big full-circle moment for me. I remember last year being across the table very nervous and not knowing what to expect, so it was great to be on the other side and encourage the new 1Ls through the process. I have also been assisting with current ADR new member interviews, and it has been exciting to engage with eager 1Ls and listen to the change they want to implement in ADR. Since I experienced a lot of great mentorships when I was a 1L with 2Ls and 3Ls, I am eager that I can continue to pass that mentorship relationship down (now that I have some sense of how to navigate law school).
This semester has been very busy, so I am excited for our Spring Break that is coming up in a few weeks. Also, the sun has been peeking out a lot more these past few days, so hopefully that stays, although currently, it is supposed to snow tonight. I am looking forward to seeing what the rest of the semester brings!
And just like that, I am one week away from finals and at the end of my 2L year. This year was a whirlwind, and it came with a lot of growth. Since I last wrote, I finished the MPRE and I also became the Executive Editor of Notes and Comments for Seattle University Law Review! I am super excited to take on this role because it will provide me an opportunity to work directly with incoming 2Ls to write their Note or Comments. Notes/Comments provide an opportunity for all 2L members to write about their own passions within the law. I believe that Notes and Comments can become a critical way to implement change because it is written by students who aspire to bring in their vision and change. I am so excited to push my leadership skills and mentorship next year! If you told my 1L year self that not only would I get on Law Review, but I would also be able to serve as an executive editor, I would not believe you. I never thought I would take on this type of leadership role, but throughout my two years of law school, I have been able to continue to push myself out of my comfort zone and grow more confident in myself.
Speaking of pushing myself out of my comfort zone, this summer I have been named one of the Washington State Association for Justice Fellows. This fellowship provides an opportunity to gain plaintiff-side litigation experience for two different firms. Again, if you told my 1L self (or even my pre-law school self) that I would be spending a summer focused on trial litigation, I would not believe you. I never thought that litigation was for me because I am not the loudest in the room. However, throughout my experience here, I was able to see that I did not have to be the loudest to be a good advocate.
But before I start to think about my summer, I still need to get through my finals. I only have two in-person finals (Constitutional Law and Professional Responsibilities) and then I have a take-home exam for Health Law, and finally a research paper for Race and Law. So, I must get back to outlining as I only have two more weeks of hard work until my 2L year is officially over!
I just finished my first week back, and I cannot believe that I am finally a 3L! During orientation, when I was helping out, it made me reflect on my own experience here at law school since I was a scared 1L. I have come a long way, and I have slowly grown my community, my confidence, and my sense of belonging. But before I get too sentimental, I still have to make it through my 3L year!
Over the summer, I was a Washington State Association for Justice 2024 fellow. This fellowship introduced me to the world of trial litigation, specifically plaintiff-side litigation. It was a split mentorship program, meaning I spent my first six weeks at Ruiz & Smart and then my last six weeks at CMG Law. Ruiz & Smart is a firm that focuses on bad-faith insurance claims, which entails suing insurance companies for denying benefits, committing bad faith, or violating the Insurance Fair Conduct Act. CMG Law solely focuses on medical malpractice claims. I learned a lot about trial litigation while also helping advocate for vulnerable communities against large institutions. It was a valuable mentorship experience where I was able to sit in on depositions, help draft motions, and network with practicing lawyers who are doing the work that aligns with the “why” I came to law school in the first place. This fellowship also introduced me to the world of litigation, because before that I was intimidated and scared by litigation. But I learned a lot of valuable lessons and advice.
Overall, it was a great summer experience. Now, I am excited to start my third and final year of law school!
As I am writing, we are currently heading into Week 10 (out of 15). This fall has gone by very fast. Mainly as a 3L, I have been busy with my part-time internship where I am still picking up research projects for the firm that I worked with over the summer. I have also had my hands full with Law Review. It has been exciting to mentor the current 2Ls as they find what they want to write about for their Note or Comment. We are about to start executive edits for our Berle edition. The Berle edition can be quite a daunting experience because it is our 2Ls first time editing, and the pieces they are editing are more catered to corporate law topics. There were many bumps in the road regarding editing this issue, but our team was able to adapt and be flexible.
Putting Law Review aside, I have also had a busy couple of weeks for my classes as we just had our midterms. As scary as midterms are, it is also a good check-in point with yourself and where you are at in terms of the content for the class. It also provides a good opportunity to gain feedback from professors. This year, my midterms was a mix of a take-home exam, an in-person timed exam, a moot court exercise, and a paper draft. In other words, last week was chaotic and there was a lot to juggle, and I am glad to be on the other side of that!
As the clouds and rain start to roll into Seattle, I am starting to hunker down and prepare my outlines for my classes and gear up for finals that are quickly approaching. But I am also excited that over fall break I will be visiting my family in California, so hopefully I get to soak up some sun before completely going into finals mode.
We are just rounding out the end of Week 5 of my final semester here. The Spring Semester has looked very different than any of my other semesters because I am taking fewer classes and getting more hands-on and real-world experience. I am currently in a Bar Skills course that is offered for 3Ls to start slowly getting the ball rolling on study habits for the Bar. Although it has been a bit stressful to think about the Bar, this class has helped me ease into it. I am also in a Federal Litigation course, which is a class I chose to take for my final year to push myself outside my comfort zone. This class is taught at the Federal Courthouse and is all about making the Federal Courts less intimidating and practicing writing and oral advocacy skills. Finally, I am also doing a part-time judicial clinic, and I am an extern for Judge Tana Lin. I have already learned so much through the judicial clinic. This provides me a more birds eye view of the judicial process, where I get to see how the Judge approaches each party and their arguments. It is great exposure to court procedures as well as being able to tackle complex legal issues.
Outside of the courthouse and classroom, I recently participated in my final Dispute Resolution competition with my friend Gabriela. I remember after competing in the Dispute Resolution 1L competition, it was a good experience, but I thought to myself I would never do that again. However, my friend Gabriela would “drag” me into doing another competition in my 2L year. Again, I learned a lot from that experience, but I also told myself that it was my last one. But during the beginning of Spring Semester this year, Dispute Resolution hosted the negotiation competition, and I decided to compete with her one last time. This time, I was calmer and more confident in myself and at the end of the night, we ended up placing first! It was a big full-circle moment for me, and now Dispute Resolution is getting ready to host the 1L competition, and I will be participating as one of the judges.
This semester is flying by, but it has also been one of the most rewarding semesters so far because I truly am starting to see all the hard work I have put into over the past two and a half years are paying off.