Photo of Lynisha Batson

Lynisha Batson

Class of 2024


Privacy and data security, intellectual property, compliance, labor and employment


I am the co-president of the Womxn of Color Coalition (WOCC), secretary of the Black Law Student Association (BLSA), and a member of the DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) Committee. I independently coordinated the BLSA 1L Mentorship Program and the WOCC 1L Mentorship Program. I also coordinated a privacy discussion panel with the Privacy Law Student Association and a large firm, as well as the WOCC Dinner With Our Sistas event.


It is important to give back to a community that has continued to support me. It is also a wonderful way to understand your community, broaden your perspective, and maximize your impact. And, more importantly, I want to continue to empower my community by providing myself as a resource or an example.


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