Before submitting a Hub Inventor Application Form(PDF) to the Hub, you must read all the information below. You will not be admitted to our program if you do not meet the requirements.

Please be advised that the attorney matching process can take up to three months, and that a match is not guaranteed. In the event that we are unable to match an inventor with an attorney within three months of receipt of the completed Inventor Application Form, we will contact the inventor.

How to Apply

To apply for pro bono legal assistance through the Hub, please review the eligibility requirements below. If you meet all of the eligibility requirements, please complete the application form (see the Client Application section below) and email the completed form to

Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible to receive services through the Hub, you must meet the following criteria:

  1. Residency: Reside in Washington state.
  2. Financial Need: Have a total combined gross household income of less than or equal to 300% of the Federal Poverty Guideline (the federal poverty guidelines (see Poverty Guidelines | ASPE ( In addition to income, we also consider other assets, such as savings, stock holdings, and home equity, when determining financial eligibility.
  3. Certification: Complete the USPTO’s online Basic Patent Training Certification Course (English) or the Basic Patent Training Certification Course (versión en español). Your Certificate of Completion is required with your application to the Washington Pro Bono Patent Network.
  4. Fees: Be prepared to pay the cost of any filing fees or other USPTO fees associated with your patent application.
  5. Actual Invention: Have an actual invention, not just an idea. Your invention is more than just an idea if one or more of the following is true:
    1. You have a prototype of your invention.
    2. You have a detailed drawing of the invention describing how it works.
    3. You are able to describe your invention so that someone else could actually make it and use it.
  6. Number of Inventors: each inventor must fill out a separate application
    1. If you have a co-inventor (i.e., another person who collaborated with you to create the invention), the co-inventor will need to submit the a separate application.
    2. All co-inventors are required to submit similar information, including the Certificate of Completion of the USPTO Basic Patent Training and their tax return to ensure financial eligibility; and
  7. Number of Patents Previously Filed: the inventor(s) must not have filed 4 or more patent applications with the United States Patent & Trademark Office.

Client Application

If you meet all of the above requirements and are interested in being matched with a volunteer patent attorney, please fill out the Hub Inventor Application Form (PDF). You can then print the application for your records and either email a PDF of your application to or mail a hard copy to:

Washington State/TILE Patent Pro Bono Hub
c/o Professor Margaret Chon
Seattle University School of Law
901 12th Ave., Sullivan Hall
Seattle, WA 98122

Please include your Certificate of Completion of the USPTO’s online Basic Patent Training and most recent tax return with Social Security Number obscured. After all complete paperwork is received, we will process your request. This may take several weeks.

Please note: This pro bono assistance means only that legal fees will be waived by an attorney agreeing to work on your matter. There may be other fees and costs associated with your matter that you will be responsible for paying, such as patent filing fees, prior art search fees, drawing fees, extension fees, etc. The attorney helping you will not be able to pay these fees on your behalf.